Hrm, well, my gaming list is a bit shorter, though I'm sure I'll get DA2 eventually (don't want to, the story having been somewhat dumbed down, apparently, and it's gone a lot more action-RPG, too...might download it), and I already have Red Dead.

Come to think of it, though:
Crysis 2
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Battlefield 3
L.A. Noire
And *maybe* Mass Effect 3. Ah, who am I kidding, I'm getting it even though I liked ME2 less than ME1. XD
I'm not sure on Ghost Recon: Future Solider, though. I liked Ghost Recon 2, but it's tactical, slow gameplay was partially let down by quite linear levels (given what it could have been), and I'm not sure I want that type of gameplay mixed with futuristic capabilities.

Gears 3 I'll borrow off a friend I know is getting it, and I'm actually hoping the latest CoD doesn't release this year. It would be better for the franchise, I think. Especially if it's not Infinity Ward...
And yeah, AC: Brotherhood, L4D2, I haven't got around to those yet, either. Ugh.

At least the list isn't super-long, and I didn't really buy that many last year, except I ended up buying RDR, Fable 3 and Fallout New Vegas...the last two of which I was kind of disappointed with, in terms of time I actually spent playing them. Skyrim, L.A. Noire, ME3, and Deus Ex ought to be different, though...many, many hours will be spent, probably hundreds in Skyrim alone. D:
Lots more shooters, though, for me. Normally I'm not a huge shooter fan, since Battlefield 1942...Halo, of course, but no more Halo games from Bungie now, so instead I seem to have taken up like 3 other shooter series, lol.
Ah well, hopefully I get into (and have time for) Crysis 2.
Good luck on your MCAT's, btw...hope the gaming doesn't distract you too much, lol.
EDIT: Thanks Ment, wasn't aware it had a set month least it's a ways away, or else I'd be screwed for mid-terms, lol.