H.D., on 09 May 2010 - 04:57 AM, said:
It's like Indiana, except without cool people.
You can't go anywhere without hearing "OH!" "IO!"
You can't have the three biggest cities all starting with C. That's just ridiculous.
The Buckeyes.
They ruined Sloopy.
Dotting the I.
The only thing they have going for them is they aren't from Kentucky.
Brought to you by your friendly Hoosier, who lived in Dayton, OH for 3 formative years.

Actually, I love the Buckeyes. I'm not exactly sure what my deal is with Ohio. Partly having to go to a tiny shithole town to visit the hills have eyes part of my family growing up. It's dirty, it smells, it's hot anf humid, pollution, the desperate desire of some Ohioans to think they are part of the East coast, the fact that it's a mix of the worst parts of the rust belt and the midwest. There's nothing to do, the people aren't especially friendly, if you travel to Ohio you automatically get sick, if someone from Ohio visits you, you automaticaly get sick. My in-laws all live there, and I love all of them but just don't enjoy the state.