The game I bought today is... Bought any games recently? Share your excitement with us.
Posted 20 December 2009 - 10:27 PM
*orders* Late christmas present for my husband I think. Thanks.
I've always wondered though, why the English - knowing their arrows were ineffective for about a hundred years - didn't y'know... invent better ones.
I've always wondered though, why the English - knowing their arrows were ineffective for about a hundred years - didn't y'know... invent better ones.
Posted 21 December 2009 - 09:05 AM
Jusentantaka, on 20 December 2009 - 10:27 PM, said:
*orders* Late christmas present for my husband I think. Thanks.
I've always wondered though, why the English - knowing their arrows were ineffective for about a hundred years - didn't y'know... invent better ones.
I've always wondered though, why the English - knowing their arrows were ineffective for about a hundred years - didn't y'know... invent better ones.
They served a purpose, I guess... if you can't shoot the man, shoot the horse he sits on is a second best idea that still has merit

Everyone is entitled to his own wrong opinion. - Lizrad
Posted 21 December 2009 - 09:25 PM
Having played Wolfenstein for a couple of days, I can now whole heartedly recommend it if you were a fan of Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and you enjoy old school FPS games. Wolfenstein is by no means an amazing gaming experience, it's not very original, the controls are clunky, the graphics engine is old and tired, but damn it's entertaining mowing down truck loads of evil cartoon Nazis.
Posted 22 December 2009 - 07:22 PM
I've been playing Assassin's Creed 2 when I get the chance. I've completed 5 out of 14 'sequences' in the game, and so far I am blown away at the improvement from AC1 to AC2. Anyone who was worrying about them nerfing AC2 to fix AC1's issues, don't worry. It's great.
My only complaints, so far, are that they took away the tension and cinematics of each assassination. In AC1, when you near where the assassination would take place, you got to see a nice scene and a chance to survey the scenario you would soon be plunging yourself into. Then there would be a bit a dialogue between Altair and his target before you had to escape.
In AC2, you go in to find your target and then find a way to assassinate him(this is much nicer than the first game, as AC2 assassinations can actually be done stealthily) but there is very little tension-building, and the 'death-dialogue' has been much reduced.
My second complaint is that it takes place in Italy, and there is a lot of Italian being thrown around that I don't understand - especially during those 'death-dialogues'. I'm sure if I turned on subtitles, it would all be translated for me, but I don't like marring the screen with text dialogue when I can avoid it - so that's a complaint of my own creation.
I'll let you know more as I continue on.
My only complaints, so far, are that they took away the tension and cinematics of each assassination. In AC1, when you near where the assassination would take place, you got to see a nice scene and a chance to survey the scenario you would soon be plunging yourself into. Then there would be a bit a dialogue between Altair and his target before you had to escape.
In AC2, you go in to find your target and then find a way to assassinate him(this is much nicer than the first game, as AC2 assassinations can actually be done stealthily) but there is very little tension-building, and the 'death-dialogue' has been much reduced.
My second complaint is that it takes place in Italy, and there is a lot of Italian being thrown around that I don't understand - especially during those 'death-dialogues'. I'm sure if I turned on subtitles, it would all be translated for me, but I don't like marring the screen with text dialogue when I can avoid it - so that's a complaint of my own creation.
I'll let you know more as I continue on.
Posted 23 December 2009 - 09:34 AM
Jade Empire
STALKER: Clear Sky
Shooter Pack.
Jade Empire
STALKER: Clear Sky
Shooter Pack.
Posted 29 December 2009 - 12:02 AM
Got Left 4 dead 2 and Ninja Gaiden 2.
Cougar said:
Grief, FFS will you do something with your sig, it's bloody awful
worry said:
Grief is right (until we abolish capitalism).
Posted 29 December 2009 - 04:08 AM
Lovely goty edition of Fallout 3 with all the dlc included.
Error: Signature not valid
Posted 29 December 2009 - 06:16 AM
Tarcanus, on 22 December 2009 - 07:22 PM, said:
I've been playing Assassin's Creed 2 when I get the chance. I've completed 5 out of 14 'sequences' in the game, and so far I am blown away at the improvement from AC1 to AC2. Anyone who was worrying about them nerfing AC2 to fix AC1's issues, don't worry. It's great.
My only complaints, so far, are that they took away the tension and cinematics of each assassination. In AC1, when you near where the assassination would take place, you got to see a nice scene and a chance to survey the scenario you would soon be plunging yourself into. Then there would be a bit a dialogue between Altair and his target before you had to escape.
In AC2, you go in to find your target and then find a way to assassinate him(this is much nicer than the first game, as AC2 assassinations can actually be done stealthily) but there is very little tension-building, and the 'death-dialogue' has been much reduced.
My second complaint is that it takes place in Italy, and there is a lot of Italian being thrown around that I don't understand - especially during those 'death-dialogues'. I'm sure if I turned on subtitles, it would all be translated for me, but I don't like marring the screen with text dialogue when I can avoid it - so that's a complaint of my own creation.
I'll let you know more as I continue on.
My only complaints, so far, are that they took away the tension and cinematics of each assassination. In AC1, when you near where the assassination would take place, you got to see a nice scene and a chance to survey the scenario you would soon be plunging yourself into. Then there would be a bit a dialogue between Altair and his target before you had to escape.
In AC2, you go in to find your target and then find a way to assassinate him(this is much nicer than the first game, as AC2 assassinations can actually be done stealthily) but there is very little tension-building, and the 'death-dialogue' has been much reduced.
My second complaint is that it takes place in Italy, and there is a lot of Italian being thrown around that I don't understand - especially during those 'death-dialogues'. I'm sure if I turned on subtitles, it would all be translated for me, but I don't like marring the screen with text dialogue when I can avoid it - so that's a complaint of my own creation.
I'll let you know more as I continue on.
1) Turn on the subtitles. They don't intrude in any way, and the cinematics of the deaths don't require you to stare at them. If you're a fast reader, ofc, you can do both. Yes, they translate the Italian.
2) Half the internet was crying for the removal of the ten-minute dialogues that followed someone getting stabbed in the you're a minority there.

I'd say the tension building is in trying to do the assassination 'properly' - that builds plenty of, far more realistic, tension. Altair tended to be rather...obvious in his approach, and observation of the target.
Still, the game isn't hard. Pretty easy all around, basically can't die. (Especially now with water that it's a GOOD thing to jump into. That used to be my #1 cause of death in AC1)
Anyway, to make my own contribution, I just purchased Mass Effect today. ^^
On Xbox, but I still haven't notice the texture load-in issues that were much touted as a negative part of the console version. Then again, I installed the game to HDD rather than playing off the disc, which has the added bonus of reducing that godawful drive noise. XD
Enjoying myself, in any case. Still a good game.

Shinrei said:
<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.
Posted 29 December 2009 - 08:01 AM
Got Borderlands for Christmas, and I'm enjoying it so far. Although I have gotten to the point where I completely dominate everything in my path, and it's much less of a challenge now, which is a shame.
With regards to AC2, I felt the greatest disappointment was the story. I liked it, but I dunno, it lacked...oomph. There was no real emotional reaction on Ezio's part other than the first assassination, which was nicely done. But then it basically turned into a random slaughter of every Templar, without much real drive or motive behind it. 'Oh, this guy had really no role in the murder of my father, but let's kill him anyway cos he's a Templar'. In the first story you had a tangible reason to go after every target, and the fact they were all connected was almost trivial until the end of the game. And in this one would miss a lot of the significance of the conspiracy part of the story (i.e. the pieces of Eden) had you not gotten the glyphs. So I think they could have done better there. Great game though.
With regards to AC2, I felt the greatest disappointment was the story. I liked it, but I dunno, it lacked...oomph. There was no real emotional reaction on Ezio's part other than the first assassination, which was nicely done. But then it basically turned into a random slaughter of every Templar, without much real drive or motive behind it. 'Oh, this guy had really no role in the murder of my father, but let's kill him anyway cos he's a Templar'. In the first story you had a tangible reason to go after every target, and the fact they were all connected was almost trivial until the end of the game. And in this one would miss a lot of the significance of the conspiracy part of the story (i.e. the pieces of Eden) had you not gotten the glyphs. So I think they could have done better there. Great game though.
Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem.
Si hoc adfixum in obice legere potes, et liberaliter educatus et nimis propinquus ades.
Si hoc adfixum in obice legere potes, et liberaliter educatus et nimis propinquus ades.
Posted 29 December 2009 - 08:36 AM
What character are you playing, MTS?
I played the Soldier and I thought it remained relatively tough (especially later when 2 new factions of enemies show up). But of course, when your level begins to get 3-4-5 levels above even the toughest enemies, it becomes easy.
I played the Soldier and I thought it remained relatively tough (especially later when 2 new factions of enemies show up). But of course, when your level begins to get 3-4-5 levels above even the toughest enemies, it becomes easy.
Posted 30 December 2009 - 03:19 PM
Silencer, on 29 December 2009 - 06:16 AM, said:
Tarcanus, on 22 December 2009 - 07:22 PM, said:
I've been playing Assassin's Creed 2 when I get the chance. I've completed 5 out of 14 'sequences' in the game, and so far I am blown away at the improvement from AC1 to AC2. Anyone who was worrying about them nerfing AC2 to fix AC1's issues, don't worry. It's great.
My only complaints, so far, are that they took away the tension and cinematics of each assassination. In AC1, when you near where the assassination would take place, you got to see a nice scene and a chance to survey the scenario you would soon be plunging yourself into. Then there would be a bit a dialogue between Altair and his target before you had to escape.
In AC2, you go in to find your target and then find a way to assassinate him(this is much nicer than the first game, as AC2 assassinations can actually be done stealthily) but there is very little tension-building, and the 'death-dialogue' has been much reduced.
My second complaint is that it takes place in Italy, and there is a lot of Italian being thrown around that I don't understand - especially during those 'death-dialogues'. I'm sure if I turned on subtitles, it would all be translated for me, but I don't like marring the screen with text dialogue when I can avoid it - so that's a complaint of my own creation.
I'll let you know more as I continue on.
My only complaints, so far, are that they took away the tension and cinematics of each assassination. In AC1, when you near where the assassination would take place, you got to see a nice scene and a chance to survey the scenario you would soon be plunging yourself into. Then there would be a bit a dialogue between Altair and his target before you had to escape.
In AC2, you go in to find your target and then find a way to assassinate him(this is much nicer than the first game, as AC2 assassinations can actually be done stealthily) but there is very little tension-building, and the 'death-dialogue' has been much reduced.
My second complaint is that it takes place in Italy, and there is a lot of Italian being thrown around that I don't understand - especially during those 'death-dialogues'. I'm sure if I turned on subtitles, it would all be translated for me, but I don't like marring the screen with text dialogue when I can avoid it - so that's a complaint of my own creation.
I'll let you know more as I continue on.
1) Turn on the subtitles. They don't intrude in any way, and the cinematics of the deaths don't require you to stare at them. If you're a fast reader, ofc, you can do both. Yes, they translate the Italian.
2) Half the internet was crying for the removal of the ten-minute dialogues that followed someone getting stabbed in the you're a minority there.

I'd say the tension building is in trying to do the assassination 'properly' - that builds plenty of, far more realistic, tension. Altair tended to be rather...obvious in his approach, and observation of the target.
Still, the game isn't hard. Pretty easy all around, basically can't die. (Especially now with water that it's a GOOD thing to jump into. That used to be my #1 cause of death in AC1)
Yeah, I haven't died from any kind of fighting, yet - though I did come close, once, before I remembered I had those insta-heal medicines. My main cause of death has been accidentally jumping from tall buildings. I've also been desynchronized a couple times for not completing missions on time or whatnot.
Other games I've been playing are Eufloria and Braid.
Eufloria is a fun little RTS. Little graphical impact and very mellow music make for an enjoyable time. I am usually horrible at RTSs, but this seems to have opened up the genre for me since it's so simplistic.
And Braid, well, I'm sure all of you know about Braid. I love the mind-fuck-ness of it.
Posted 04 January 2010 - 10:33 AM
Torchlight I have bought on the back of recommendations from friends and is on sale on steam too for the next few hours
Posted 05 January 2010 - 02:21 PM
I bought Bioshock and Oblivion in one game pack with a giftcard I got for christmas. They are both awesome

O xein', angellein Lakedaimoniois hoti têde; keimetha tois keinon rhémasi peithomenoi.
Posted 05 February 2010 - 02:21 AM
Completely been forgetting about the new AVP, and now that the demo is out... well, its time to pay up.
Posted 13 February 2010 - 12:44 PM
Bought Mount and Blade on Steam yesterday. It's on sale this weekend for 5 euros.
Now to find a dozen mods to upgrade the game.
Now to find a dozen mods to upgrade the game.
Posted 14 February 2010 - 02:12 AM
B ioshock 2. About to pick up NCAA football '10. Also got a few fun $1.00 indie games over xbox live whose names escape me. Solar was one of them.
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Posted 14 February 2010 - 02:16 AM
Do you enjoy playing as OSU in NCAA, Ray, or do you play with a different team? I wouldn't think it'd be much of a challenge with OSU. As opposed to say making Ball State a 6 Star in Dynasty Mode, which is both awesome and fantastical.
Trouble arrives when the opponents to such a system institute its extreme opposite, where individualism becomes godlike and sacrosanct, and no greater service to any other ideal (including community) is possible. In such a system rapacious greed thrives behind the guise of freedom, and the worst aspects of human nature come to the fore....
Posted 14 February 2010 - 02:37 AM
Try making Eastern Illinois into a 6 star. Dear lord.
NCAA 10 really pissed me off, half of the crap in the game is upgrades they want you to buy. Mostly the recruiting stuff.
NCAA 10 really pissed me off, half of the crap in the game is upgrades they want you to buy. Mostly the recruiting stuff.
I've always been crazy but its kept me from going insane.
Posted 14 February 2010 - 02:38 AM
Eastern and Ball State have set up home and away games with each other, btw.
Recruiting is the best damned part! BOOOOOO!
Recruiting is the best damned part! BOOOOOO!
Trouble arrives when the opponents to such a system institute its extreme opposite, where individualism becomes godlike and sacrosanct, and no greater service to any other ideal (including community) is possible. In such a system rapacious greed thrives behind the guise of freedom, and the worst aspects of human nature come to the fore....