Hot on their heels are the Nehemothanai, avowed hunters of Bauchelain and Korbal Broach. In the company of a gaggle of artists and pilgrims, stalwart Mortal Sword Tulgord Vise, pious Well Knight Arpo Relent, stern Huntsman Steck Marynd, and three of the redoubtable Chanter brothers (and their lone sister) find themselves faced with the cruelest of choices. The legendary Cracked Pot Trail, a stretch of harsh wasteland between the Gates of Nowhere and the Shrine of the Indifferent God, has become a tortured path of deprivation.
So we now have an official name for all the folks that are following B&KB about - the Nehemonthanai. The first three sound simple enough to me:
-Tulgord Vise is the Mortal Sword of the Sisters from Lamentable Moll, whom we saw in BF.
-Arpo Relent we haven't seen but is a Well Knight, therefore from Quaint and seen in tHD.
-Steck Marynd who was chasing the duo for years before Lamentable Moll (and last seen there in BF).
But then there's the Chanters. We saw them at the very end of LoLE, but there were 14 of them then, instead of 4. They're Jhag, some even with tusks, piloting a ship crewed by undead and with caged beasts. Thing is, they were after Captain Satre, not B&KB. Maybe the other 10 of them are still going after her, but why would some of them go chase down B&KB? (And if you need a refresher, the Chanters were the rulers of Toll City and chasing Sater because she stole a ton of money and the Sech'Kellyn statues from them). So, spculation on why they're in the Nehemonthanai?