Modkill limit is not in effect (see below).
Be civil and behave.
The mod is always right.
You are expected to know what is written here.
1. Mafia Leveling
Yeah, you read that correctly. This game is going to use levels that expand your role, or sometimes, restrict it. So, how does it work?
Every role has 6 levels, starting at 0, ending at 5.
The first important rule is this: you all start at level 0, no exceptions.
The second important rule: everyone levels at the same time, no exceptions.
Rule number 3: the mod announces when everyone goes up a level. New abilities can be used immediately from that moment onwards.
Rule number 4: you always have all abilities from level 0 to the current level, so if you’re level 4, you can use abilities from level 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4, but not 5.
Rule number 5: while everyone has 6 levels, it can very well be that several levels do not give new abilities. In this case, the following notation is used:
Level X:
no new abilities.
This may be at any level. So, some players can start off with 1 or 2 abilities or even more at level 0, while others gain their first ability at level 1 or even 2, and do not get an ability at level 5 either. Of one thing you can rest assured: if someone says he is a RI, he’s a liar. At some point, everyone has an action.
Rule number 6: the actual conditions for levelling:
For every 3 dead people: +1 level, to a maximum of level 5
For every 500 posts: +1 level, to a maximum of level 5
Levels go up at the end of a day or night and this is announced by the mods. Abilities may or may not influence the moments of levelling up. You can go up multiple levels at the same time.
Rule number 7: no moaning how you think you’re underpowered compared to others based on this list alone. Balancing a game with 17 roles and on average 6 abilities per role is tough. Especially since we do not balance roles, but factions AND roles. We think we did a good job, though…
2. Day and Night:
Each phase lasts 24 hours.
Day times out at 24 hours or when a lynch has been achieved.
Night times out at 24 hours or when everyone has submitted a night action or passed.
We are going to wait for guarded players to pass or submit.
3. Iron Man:
Any night- or day-action you send in is resolved IMMEDIATELY. No provisionals, no ifs, buts or recalls. We will therefore not accept people who send in day actions in the final hour of night, or vice versa either.
4. Number of actions:
Unless your ability says otherwise, you can use only a one ability per day, and only one per night. So if level 2 gives you a night-find and level 4 a night vig, you have to choose which one to use when you are level 4.
5. Role PMs.
A. Headers: or, how to fake a role PM. Roles are headed in the following way:
Austin Powers – International Man of Mystery (British) – Spy
From left to right:
character name – role description (nationality) – alignment (Spy for town, Syndicate for scum).
B. Abilities are written as follows:
Level X:
Ability name: phase. (Number of uses). What it does.
Level 3:
Japanese twins: day/night action. Limited number of uses (1) Upgrade of Austin’s things-to- do-before-I-die-list. Twins Fookmi and Fookyu, in the bedroom. Now.
Underscores that you may encounter:
Passive: this ability is activated as soon as you get it and does not count towards your maximum number of abilities per phase.
Day/night action: you can use this ability both during the day and at night. It is also sometimes written as night/day action. Bite me.
Limited number of uses (1): you can use this ability only once per game.
Upgrade of …..: this ability does something to an ability you already have: namely the ability name on the dots. All uses of that earlier ability now also do the new stuff. In many cases, upgrade of is written to show that you gain extra uses of an already existing ability. For example: another use of a vig.
Operation: unique ability for the American team, also required for their point objectives. More on that later.
6. Storydriven:
Now that we are talking about actions: every (bunch of) action(s) is resolved in a short story for all players to read. Names are not going to be dropped, but there will be hints as to appearance of the players and the nature of the action.
7. Mod-kill and you: posting limits:
You must post at least once every 24 hours. Due to the nature of the game, we do not do modkills – but there will be NASTY repercussions. Namely:
If you are a spy, your team will lose 5 points per time you’re unable to post.
If you are scum, there are no night kills from the Syndicate this day/night cycle.
The sole exception is when temporarily taken out of the game through an ability.
8. Communication:
Communication off-thread is forbidden, unless you are a lover with someone else.
Throughout the game, lover links will be established, changed and broken. These can be between different factions and between spies and scum. Be careful what you reveal.
Every message between lovers must be CC’ed to the Hugin & Mugin account.
9. Mods:
There are multiple mods.
Communication between players goes through the Hugin & Munin account. Also, communication sometimes takes place between players who do not know one another, only each other’s alts and sometimes not even that. In such cases, H&M makes sure the correct message arrives at the correct player, while removing all references like quote tags to the sender. The sender thus only sends a PM to H&M. If we have to do more editing (see below) before being able to pass it on, we will instead delete it.
Use of language: when communications through H&M are employed, we kindly ask you to use the Queen’s English, no emoticons and proper punctuation. Why? Because we want sender and receiver to be anonymous and not easily guessed, and for some of you, spelling and punctuation are huge give-aways. If we think a message will allow the receiver to guess/ alt guess the sender, we will not send it on – yeah, you read that correctly: we’re not going to do any editing for you.
Actions, rule & role questions and SH thoughts go through Path-Shaper.
Path-Shaper will be used to post in the game thread.
10. Revealing your alignment:
This is a spy game. Public reveals of your nationality are not done. Do it anyway, and you are executed by vigilante supporters of El Presidente’s Junta for unwanted involvement in internal affairs (modkill). Also, your team loses regardless of the outcome of the game. Don’t do it. This includes fake reveals. You may however code your alignment on one condition: let the mod check the code first and approve of it.
11. Revealing name or abilities:
1a) publicly stating you are a thieving, sabotaging, conspirating, murdering, spying foreign agent out to bring down El Presidente is signing your own death warrant. Quoting from your Role PM on thread is thus a modkill-able offence. What you do in PMs is your own business.
Note that using your (code)name/ role description is a modkillable offence as well.
1b) General use of the terms: guard, find, vig, heal etc is allowed, also to describe your own abilities, however, specifics (when you used them, who you used them on, what the exact number of used during the game is, how it is affected by levels et cetera) is forbidden. When in doubt, consult P-S.
If you want to make a target out of yourself in this way, go ahead… cause the chances for other teams to win a point victory increase with every single dead/ disabled spy from another nation.
You can also publicly reveal the alignment and abilities of another player, this will not lead to a mod-kill. We advise caution, however.
1c) If someone manages to correctly break a code you posted in the game thread that states your role, nationality and/or abilities, you will be captured and executed by El Presidente’s police (this counts as a modkill but will not lose your faction the game/points). Don’t do it, or do it VERY well.
This post has been edited by Path-Shaper: 21 September 2009 - 07:31 AM