Hi guys,
been lurking for awhile, decided to join up and get involved in the discussions, since you guys really know your stuff, and this series just seems tailor-made for geeking out about. Halfway through Midnight Tides and trying crazy hard to avoid spoilers around here. Also have exams coming up, so probably won't post a huge amount for the time being.
I'd say by this point I consider myself well and truly a fanboy, even came back to London early so I could get to the Forbidden Planet signing to get TCG and GoTM signed! Then went back a week later and they had signed RG, TtH and DoD, so I had to snatch them up

(for anyone around London, Forbidden Planet still have quite a lot of signed ones left, by the way)
Anyways, I'll likely have a lot more to say when I get further in, but for the time being, just wanted to say Hi!
P.S. I discovered the series through reading Slynt's A Game of Thrones re-read blog, I think I've seen the guy around here somewhere, so if you're reading this, CHEERS DUDE!
(my name's Hercules, but I also get called Eric. I only just this second noticed the Osserc/Osseric parallel. neat)