Ozzie, on 15 July 2010 - 02:15 PM, said:
Been lurking for a while now but only just thought about doing the decent thing and introducing myself.
Anyways I'm from North East Scotland and work for the Post Office for my sins, oh yeah and I was a former Police Officer but after a couple of years decided it wasn't for me, that and I couldn't get used to shift work.
I am probably reiterating a point already made but I found it hard going but after persevering I have to say this is probably the best series of books I have ever read, other than 'A Song of Ice and Fire.' However I may revise that if tubby dies before finishing the series, maybe Erikson should give him pointers on sticking to deadlines, heh.
Although there is a lot of reading to this series and if they ever decide to film this there will be a lot missing actually it would have to be a TV Series because they just couldn't fit it all in, oh and the one thing they would have to change is the way(large spoilers, RG)
Excuse my French by the way.
Cheers, Ozzie
Dammit u telling me SPOILER ALERT !!!!!!! I didn't know that....just finished BH..