So the nails in the boat were pilfered from Tombs in the barrows, the lich was a compilation of these. My only problem is, the voices were victims of Korbal Broach from Lamentable Mole. The nails should have been in barrows way older than Korbals victims, right? Any guess who the voice was that the others didnt recognize? It didnt even know itself. I was thinking maybe the wizard that delegated....Although that was a different town.
Also, did everybody pick up on the fact that one of Mancys' two friends that got the nails is also probably the biological father of Mancy's brats?
Loved these three short books.
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The Nails?
Posted 25 March 2009 - 08:24 PM
I have seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter at the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain...."
Posted 02 February 2010 - 08:30 PM
Posted 04 February 2010 - 04:21 AM
foolio, on 25 March 2009 - 08:24 PM, said:
So the nails in the boat were pilfered from Tombs in the barrows, the lich was a compilation of these. My only problem is, the voices were victims of Korbal Broach from Lamentable Mole. The nails should have been in barrows way older than Korbals victims, right? Any guess who the voice was that the others didnt recognize? It didnt even know itself. I was thinking maybe the wizard that delegated....Although that was a different town.
Also, did everybody pick up on the fact that one of Mancys' two friends that got the nails is also probably the biological father of Mancy's brats?
Loved these three short books.
Also, did everybody pick up on the fact that one of Mancys' two friends that got the nails is also probably the biological father of Mancy's brats?
Loved these three short books.
Heh, wish I'd known the answer to this the first time I read this thread. Anyways, almost a year later here's the answer:
As the Rat Catchers from BF state, the spirits and creatures in the tombs of Lamentable Moll would escape the tombs using rats. So, only the most recently-added beings to the tombs would not have escaped yet and be trapped in the nails when they were stolen right at the end of BF.
Or something like that.
Posted 08 February 2010 - 02:36 PM
I've just read this, I thought the presence the others didn't recognise was the Jhorligg's thoughts, it was quiet for most of the time before its base instincts took over and it went on a kill crazy rampage. It might have been that wizard, but didn't he wall himself up in a tower ? I finished this story 2 days ago and i've already forgotten 
Mancy's 2 friends were very interesting and corellated with the 2 ratcatchers, who in turn reminded me of those 2 pissed elder gods from Lether. Mancy is obviously a cursed individual, I thought it interesting that his 2 "friends" encouraged him to get the job with K and B and the 2 ratcatchers wanted to get rid of K and B.
His moniker of "the luckless" would have served in speeding up the moving on of K and B. Although the idea that Kreege was doing Mancy's old lady fits.

Mancy's 2 friends were very interesting and corellated with the 2 ratcatchers, who in turn reminded me of those 2 pissed elder gods from Lether. Mancy is obviously a cursed individual, I thought it interesting that his 2 "friends" encouraged him to get the job with K and B and the 2 ratcatchers wanted to get rid of K and B.
His moniker of "the luckless" would have served in speeding up the moving on of K and B. Although the idea that Kreege was doing Mancy's old lady fits.
Now all the friends that you knew in school they used to be so cool, now they just bore you.
Just look at em' now, already pullin' the plow. So quick to take to grain, like some old mule.
Just look at em' now, already pullin' the plow. So quick to take to grain, like some old mule.
Posted 11 February 2010 - 05:15 AM
masan, on 08 February 2010 - 02:36 PM, said:
I've just read this, I thought the presence the others didn't recognise was the Jhorligg's thoughts, it was quiet for most of the time before its base instincts took over and it went on a kill crazy rampage. It might have been that wizard, but didn't he wall himself up in a tower ? I finished this story 2 days ago and i've already forgotten 
Mancy's 2 friends were very interesting and corellated with the 2 ratcatchers, who in turn reminded me of those 2 pissed elder gods from Lether. Mancy is obviously a cursed individual, I thought it interesting that his 2 "friends" encouraged him to get the job with K and B and the 2 ratcatchers wanted to get rid of K and B.
His moniker of "the luckless" would have served in speeding up the moving on of K and B. Although the idea that Kreege was doing Mancy's old lady fits.

Mancy's 2 friends were very interesting and corellated with the 2 ratcatchers, who in turn reminded me of those 2 pissed elder gods from Lether. Mancy is obviously a cursed individual, I thought it interesting that his 2 "friends" encouraged him to get the job with K and B and the 2 ratcatchers wanted to get rid of K and B.
His moniker of "the luckless" would have served in speeding up the moving on of K and B. Although the idea that Kreege was doing Mancy's old lady fits.
The Jhorligg was in the Liche - it was the bestial raging roaring thing - but the fellow who said he wasn't from Lamentable Moll is seperate from the Jhorligg. I think near the end he even says he's not from the nails at all (so, ie, he is from the ship or something else aboard it).
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