GaystadFlourishHammer, on 08 November 2011 - 09:15 PM, said:
So, for those of who have gotten your filthy hands on it and have been successful in getting the game to play, how is it? Campaign? Multi-player options any good?(i.e. team death match, capture the flag...etc.). How is the leveling up going? How are the weapon choices? (unlocked as you level up). I guess, overall, what do you rate the game? (must buy, wait to buy, rent, meh.... etc). Also, when online has it been a parade of fourteen year olds (who have already reached level 50 and prestiged) yelling "n00b!" or "pwned!" or <insult your mother / sexual orientation here>?
The multiplayer is amazing, certainly the best so far. Kill Confirmed is fun, if nothing super-new.
If you play multiplayer online and have a couple people to play with, then must buy. I have played for 12+ hours so far, and only ran into one person talking shit, and he was mid 20s, and got his arse kicked and left. I'm sure this weekend there will be, but this weekend I will be playing skyrim. I'm up to level 55 out of 80 on the first prestige, and P90 feels like it did in MW1, which is awesome. The Type 95 is a three shot burst awesome gun, it is MW1's m16a4.
The ACR feels delicious, although one of the guys I was playing with actually owns the gun and he is quite mad that there is a large 'Remington' on the side of the model, since remington apparently has nothing to do with the ACR.
Bouncing Betties are fun. Scav does not give you more claymores or noobtubes. The Skorpian is now a machine pistol and secondary weapon instead of a straight SMG, which is awesome.
I don't like that Sleight of Hand and Scav are now on the same tier for perks, but I understand it. The maps are... what you would expect. Much better than anything in WaW or Blops.
And no, with the new 'weapon perks', you can put 'kick' on them to pretty much remove recoil, or for the SMG's put 'range' on there to increase the range.
No face paint, but cool new emblems and titles you have to unlock...
the killstreaks are fun, and interesting, they seem much more fair for what it takes to get them and quite enjoyable at the moment.
I'm not going to play BF3 again for a long long while if I ever do, not because it is a bad game, but MW3's multiplayer just feels 'right'.