Here are some of the scenes written by DiBs and myself for Malazan Mafia 13.5. It was the first crazy setup game we had and we wrote some of the best scenes ever. Unfortunately the whole game thread is gone, but these were retrieved from the Starvald Demelain forum where we used to have our Spoiler Boards. These are the scenes from the end of the second, third and fourth/final day.
Just a reminder, this game did span over St Patrick's Day weekend....
Path-Shaper said:
As the day wears on more and more of the entrapped forumites gather at the edges of the pocket thread called mafia. Their voices call out pitifully to the mods. Admist the pleas for deliverance and for forgiveness (and in one case, for the blood of a first born son) one important trend begins to appear: They claim to have found a repwhore. Across the infinite vastness that is the intardnet - they are heard...
A glowing spot appears in the middle of the thread. Slowly it distorts and grows into a shining rent which hangs unsupported a few inches above the ground. Through it steps a tall, dark, ruggedly handsome man, the giant Mod-Hammer of Doom held nonchalantly in his hands. In the vaguely transparent Hammerhead slivers of light can be seen swirling restlessly. They are the souls of those who have met the Mod-Hammer's judgement in the past.
"So you have found a repwhore?" he enquires. His deep resonating voice is accompianied by half heard overtones which bring to mind things best left undescribed. One by one fingers are raise in the direction of Obdigore. "Very well."
The Hammer is a blur as it swings through the air and connects squarely with the cranium of Obdigore, who flies across the thread from the force of the blow. The poor bastard is a corpse before he even hits the ground. Another sliver of light can be seen joining those already within the Hammerhead.
"It would appear that you were correct. But this is not over yet, there are still other repwhores among you." And with that fateful pronouncement Path-Shaper steps back out of the thread and leaves the forumites to their own devices yet again.
Obdigore (Obi) is dead. He was Guilty.
It is now night, but not for very long...
In the awed silence that followed the departure of Path-Shaper many of the forumites fell in to exhausted sleep. Some, though, did not and the nefarious activities of a night in the mafia thread ensued.
As dawn slowly approached (at least it did somewhere in the world) most of the players began to stir. A few remianed still, no matter the amount of prodding, poking and shaking Jump Around and dktorode would not wake. On their faces were expressions of rapture at the joy the rep brought, even as it killed them. Oddly enough their livers had been post humously removed with what appears to be a bread knife...
Jump Around (JA) is dead. He was Innocent.
dktorode (DKT) is dead. He was Innocent.
Path-Shaper said:
Everyone sits staring daggers at everyone else. The forumites could have cut the atmosphere with a dagger - if they weren't already using the daggers to stare at each other. After long hours of heated staring Yellow pulls a small, grey cube out of his jacket pocket. He fiddles with it for a few minutes before rising to his feet and addressing the other players.
"Do you know what this is!" He screams. "I bet you don't... retards. This is a fucking lump of C4! Its fucking simple from here, alright! If you all haven't decided who your going to feed to that Path-Shaper guy by the time I figure how the goddamn detonator on this thing works... I'm going to blow little bits of me and Vengeance all over your sorry little asses. Get it? Got it? Good."
Surprised faces turn to regard Yellow, but no one moves. The other five continue to sit. They continue to stare. And they continue to bitch and moan about their hangovers.
After a few hours Yellow rises again with a determined glint in his eye. He marches purposefully over to Vengeance and grabs him by the scruff of the neck. After dragging the poor bastard kicking and screaming a few metres from the others he leans in close to Vengeance and screams in his ear, "You Bastard, you killed my lover!" He then proceeds, as promised, to blow little bits of himself and Vengeance all over the remaining players.
Just as the ringing in everyone's ears is finally fading away a deep, all encompassing voice reverberates through the thread, the unmistakable voice of Path-Shaper. "Seriously, what the fuck was that! Can't a guy get some peace after St. Paddies... Feels like someone's given me cranial acupuncture with railraod sleeper pins... oh... Oh that is messy, such tiny little bits. All that noise and effort and neither of them was a repwhore. IDIOTS! I'm going back to the Inn!" And all is silence again.
Yellow is dead, he was innocent.
Vengeance is dead, he was innocent.
That night four fearful forumites fell into restless sleep and the next morning four all four rose again to face yet another day in the Mafia Thread
Path-Shaper said:
Hearing the sounds of a scuffle outside, the great MODGOD Path-Shaper stumbles out of the Phoenix Inn, axe waving about lackadaisically over one shoulder with a four gallon vat of Guinness in his other hand.
“n axe? Where my fecking hammer?” he burps as sunlight blinds his eyes and sends his head spinning in oddly unpleasant directions.
With a mighty gulp he finishes his drink, narrowly avoided the comatose MARCOS, some over used Mexican prostitute that Macros brought in for paddys day celebrations. Path-Shaper throws his empty vat over his head, crushing the poor imaginary bastard where he lay.
“Whats all the racket?!” he bellows at the assembled forumites? Can't you see we are trying to get drunk? And who stole my hammer, I had it a second ago, I left it right there.” His hand waves in a general direction, encompassing most of the known world.
Bubba steps forward, “It is I, the gard! This one, is a killer!” bound and gagged, Ishael is pushed forward ahead of the group, tripping on his own shoe laces he stumbles and rolls into a crouch before pathshaper, a look of noobish innocence on his face.
“Its my first time!” he mumbles through his gag.
“We shall see about that! This wont take but too seconds.” The axe descends with a whistling tune, much like the theme music to dallas, but not quite so upbeat. His swing is a perfect arc of blinding white, pity it was five inches off target.
Missing an arm and an ear, ishael in a remarkable burst of adrenaline runs off screaming while pathshaper looks at the arm and wonders why it isn’t a head. Ishael, infused with panic and pain, slams straight into the side of the phoenix inn at just under twenty four miles per hour, his head bursting like a mellon.
The group stumbles over, everyone ducking and weaving to avoid the axe haphazardly swinging on path shapers shoulder. Path-Shaper, with the edge of his boot probing the brain bits stands up a big smile on his face.
“I planned that,” he beams. “Congratulations, he was a killer!”
Ishael is dead – he was GUILTY
Flying Monkeys definitely win.