"you're the arsoninst!", yells Obdigore at Jump around
"No, you are!', responds JA
"No, you!"
"No you!"
while this goes on, the rest of the bunch sway drunkedly, discussing jobs, cider, golf, and collectively complaining how drunk, sick and indecisive they are.
Finally, as Jump Around and obdi both take a breather, one of the drunks suggests:
"hey, look at Silencer, discoing all by himself in that corner! He either got social problems or he's a killer"
"Hey, yeah!, let's get Silencer!", goes the crowd.
I'm drunk and using preduiktive text, adds dktrode.
"So it's settled, then", says Obdigore, and reaches out to grab Silencer and push him into the circle.
his death is neither quick, nor painless. but in the end, 't was a waste
Silencer (Mockra) is dead. He was Innocent
It is now night 5, 12 hours left, the weeknd freeze is in effect.
Please submit your night actions to Path-Shaper.
Edit: needless to say, the scene's written for my enjoyment/since I'm bored. don't read anything into regerding the allegainces of anyone not named Silencer.
this is ment, doing a temp-scene, but I won't be around much, due to the fact that it's a Saturday.
This post has been edited by Path-Shaper: 25 October 2008 - 10:00 PM