Ok so earlier I said that there was something suspicious about Baudin so I went back to before Morgy's lynch and looked at his posts.
baudin, on Oct 22 2008, 04:52 AM, said:
Have just finished skimming through, have lectures now will read up properly later
right now
vote morgoth
because it was a choice between him and silencer and i dont think what people have said has really cleared him much in my eyes from the other days
Now he comes on and moves the train on to morgy making it impossible to lynch Silencer according to Dkt.
dktorode, on Oct 22 2008, 04:54 AM, said:
bauden voted morgy, so the only possible lynch at the moment is morgy....if you are gone till the end of day i suppose you should put your vote there then.
Path-Shaper, on Oct 22 2008, 05:12 AM, said:
its day 3, theres about 50 minutes left
8 to lynch, 7 to night
7 votes Morgoth (Lacedaemonian, Yellow, Tapper, Silencer, Baudin, Jump Around, DK)
3 votes for Silencer (Lisheo, Morgoth, The Dude)
1 vote for Lisheo (Obdigore)
This is a quick look at the Vote count right before Morgy got hammered.
baudin, on Oct 22 2008, 05:45 AM, said:
I hope we dont go another day without a lynch

baudin, on Oct 22 2008, 05:56 AM, said:
And now i need to head off for another lecture, il be back in about an hour i reckon, after ive had lunch obviously
baudin, on Oct 22 2008, 07:37 AM, said:
Not about me, but i dont know about the others, not many really standing out apart from Lace on the first few days. And gavin and silencer for being low posters (yes yes i know i am as well )
Still more fluff. A quick post to point some fingers but nothing as far as content.
baudin, on Oct 22 2008, 11:53 AM, said:
ok well i wont be on now until the morning got taekwondo then a mates 21st.
still more fluff, bu he posted this right before the end of night scene. Now he hadn't been on since earlier that morning. A possible killer who forgot to put in his provisional? I don't know cause he was on when the lynch went down which would have given him time. Unless he had to confirm his partners hit and was waiting for his partner to come on.
Path-Shaper, on Oct 22 2008, 11:59 AM, said:
The night seems to have passed in a daze. Flashes of the dance that started the evening still seem burned in the back of everyone's eyes. People stand around the dancefloor, nervously eyeing the stain that used to be Morgoth. Suddenly two flaming figure run out of the darkest corner of the room, screaming in pain. The crowd backs away as the fiery apparitions make their way to the center of the dancefloor. They stand and face each other, and begin a synchronized jive the likes of which have never been seen. Even the flesh running off their bones and the smokes rising from their afros seems perfectly coordinated.
Tapper (Korvalain) is dead. He was innocent.
Yellow (Rashan) is dead. He was innocent
It is Day 4. There are 24 hours remaining.
11 people still getting down: Baudin, Dktorode ,Gavin, Jump Around, Lacedaemonian, Lisheo, Mocker, Obdigore, Silencer, The Dude, Vengence
6 votes for lynch, 5 votes for night
Not voted : Baudin, Dktorode ,Gavin, Jump Around, Lacedaemonian, Lisheo, Mocker, Obdigore, Silencer, The Dude, Vengence
baudin, on Oct 23 2008, 07:39 AM, said:
Well to the cases against Venge and Obdi i can definitely see the reasoning behind them and they do seem to make sense to me.
I dont have much time atm but have just gone through the lynches see if i can get anything from there votes
On the first day we have Obdi put a random vote on JA
Then puts a Vote on lisheo because hes apparently lynch happy
Venge put a vote on alt apparently knowing he would be innocent
Second day
Venge puts a vote on Lace saying he wont remove it
Obdi later adds to the Lace vote after it has died down a bit
We then get no lynch
Third day
Obdi sticks a vote on Lisheo and leaves it on all day
Venge doesnt vote
Obdi votes Lace quite early i think
Venge votes Obdi after gavin points out a possible connection
Sorry for the lack of details in some bits got the details from path shapers posts so there may be a few votes missed. It doesnt look like either of them have been on many of the lynch trains apart from venge on day 1, The votes on LAce and Lish are a bit random and the reasons are not that strong iirc. They seem to be staying out of the main lynch trains, possibly to avoid detection upon analysing the trains. I will try and go back and look in more detail later but i need to go and do work now.
EDIT to make it easier to read
Ok first post with some content but basically just repeating posts that have been said before.
baudin, on Oct 23 2008, 07:48 AM, said:
I am perfectly happy to vote for either of them will try and be back before the deadline at 5, and will decide who to vote for then
Last post. Now in all of his posts since before the morgy lynch he has only posted one with any content and is willing to lynch just about anybody. He sees the questions that other people are making about people and jumps in to seem helpful. This is a scum move and why I became suspicious about him to begin with.
I am willing to leave my vote on Obdi for now but I think that Baudin might be a better lynch.