Andorion, on 17 November 2017 - 01:42 AM, said:
T, on 16 November 2017 - 10:40 PM, said:
Morgoth, on 16 November 2017 - 08:33 PM, said:
T, on 16 November 2017 - 04:52 PM, said:
I think my marriage just hit an iceberg.
I'm just waiting to find out if it's just dented or had its guts ripped out below the waterline.
If you need to talk, we're a bunch of divorcees here who most certainly did a worse job of our marriages than you'll ever do.
Thanks. I really still don't know what's going on as she won't talk to me. We exchanged a few texts today but when she got home and I tried to start some sort of conversation to find out why she's so pissed it just felt like I was making things worse. Guess I'll just have to wait and see.
Is the no-talking thing the only issue, or are there larger long-term ones? If its only no-talking a little bit of quiet patience might pay off.
The long term is, that since she got promoted to a managerial level, she's under a lot of pressure. The only way to deal was to throw herself into it; she's having to deal with and organise consultant surgeons as well as look after a dept of staff and all their crap.
Problem is, when she comes home, she's knackered and short tempered, and doesn't have any time to do anything fun. She blows up at anything. She swears in front of the kids, which I hate. And anything I've tried to get her away and chilled is usually met with no enthusiasm whatsoever.
Mostly I try to get the kids out and busy when she's off, so she gets some quiet time, but the long term effect is that she's missing out on stuff.
She made some comment on Tuesday about not being bothered about Christmas at all.. then followed on Wednesday by saying she's fed up, fed up with 'everything.' And she gave me such a look. It was like a kick, because I've only had that look from someone else, years back, when I was being cheated on. It was horrible.
I tried texting her at work to ask what was wrong, how can I help. She said she's not sure if she wants help. I said what does that mean... She said she just wants to be on her own.
Not good, imo. I made the mistake of replying that she is already isolating herself to a degree.. and she said 'I'm glad all my sacrifices have been worth it'
So then she comes home and won't talk about any of it. And now she's back at work. I might have to wait and see what's next, as I don't want to make things worse.
So that's the story. And what was the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge.