So, I've been having a WEIRD argument with a friend over the past three days.. One where he accuses me of not caring about anyone but myself, thinking I am above everyone, behaving like a 'raging youtube-teenie', arguing for arguing's sake and always wanting to have the last word.. All while he writes me overlong messages full of internet slang/memes, whole caps locked sentences, repetitive arguments (if one can call them arguments) and keeps saying that when the whole thing started HE had a headache, so I should damn well respect that.
I genuinely feel bad for having pushed some button that caused all that, but this is so blown out of proportion I am truly at a loss about what to do. I keep my answers short and to the point and get walls of text back accusing me of being unable to let someone else have the last word. Uhm.. Yes, I CAN be rather.. condescending when I put my heart to it, but that the friend who knows me longest out of all those people I currently call friends, and all I said was that I dislike the word 'femnazi' and that he should think before abusing his keyboard such. Then the rage started. And it just won't subside. And I have no idea why.
I want to say I'm sorry, but if my suspicion is right that I accidentally managed to hurt his pride, then tough luck, that's something I'm not going to apologise for. The whole thing is just so weird.
And on a minor note, I bought an ereader app on my tablet so I could read stuff AND take notes/mark things while I go along, only to find out that for some reason that does not work with pdfs, which is the format I need the feature in most, and there was no word about that in the app description...