Solidsnape, on 22 March 2015 - 06:20 AM, said:
So instead of doing the what they'd expect of me, which would be lazing around doing fuck all, I'm doing the opposite.
I'm lashing all the fucking work in the cell off. So when they come in Monday, they'll have fuck all to do!! There really is that little work.
When I was the 2nd shift setup at the die casting shop our plant manager told us that keeping the operators happy was counter-productive. Slightly pissed off == work harder. So we had to be seen to make sure the 5pm break cycle was purposely fucked up.
But management never could quite get the point that 7pm - 7am consistently out produced the first shift and the first couple of hours of ours. Even though we ran 2-4 people less than 1st and 3rd ran with 3-5 fewer.