Egwene, on 07 February 2014 - 02:12 PM, said:
I would really look forward to seeing all those random spoiler warnings disappear

That's great, but it's a lot better to have proper spoiler blocks, and if they are done consistently, they won't be "random". XD
New reader or old reader... if you log onto a wiki, you are looking for information that you do not currently have. It is unrealistic to expect to find a site which will only give you exactly the bit that you are after. Trying to avoid giving spoilers may only result in many other readers not finding the answers they are looking for.
Well, no-one is advocating NOT including information. Just spoilering it. That won't prevent anyone from finding anything.
And while you may be looking for information you don't currently have, you might also be looking for information that you have read before - not necessarily new information! All I (and a couple of others) are suggesting, is restraining the level of spoilerific content through proper placement, and to make sure that big revelations are not going to be thrown in anyone's face. Honestly, the behaviour on the Facebook page with regards to spoilers is sickening. "Don't read the page if you aren't 100% up to date" is the epitome of snobbish elitism that this site alone has to fight to avoid a reputation for. Imagine if we made it reader-beware of spoilers for all books?!
Whilst I sympathize with those who are new to the series you only have to look at any given entry to work out that not giving spoilers is pretty impossible. Take Cotillion for example... the intro is quite general, but some new readers might be unhappy to find the information about his alter egos. Where do you draw the line? Hiding sections is not the answer as you simply do not know which bit the reader regards as spoiler and it is incredibly annoying to everyone else.
As I said, take a look at TV Tropes. Things that are integral to the character, that a general reader might be expected to know? Those aren't spoilers. Things that are plot-relevant, massive twists, or are only revealed as a late-game surprise? Those are spoilers. Especially deaths. Or betrayals. Even then, it can be handled *in general*, with specifics spoiled.
One of the best reader wikis out there that I know, is
The Wheel of Time Encyclopaedia
Take a look at what they have written with regards to spoilers on their welcome page.
That's pretty much exemplary of the kind of attitude that puts people off communities, however. While it appears they have made efforts to mitigate spoilers in their chapter summaries (which is laudable), I think it would not be hard for them to work the character pages so that, while maintaining chronological order, the introduction is at least spoiler-free, or properly sign-posted. This would allow people to get quick reminders on character traits and attributes ("we first meet Anomander Rake...") without plunging people headlong into spoilers or locking out anyone who isn't at 100% completion...
Regarding character's deaths... I agree with Silencer that this should not be something the reader is told in the very first line when it concerns main characters. For some of the minor ones, it is almost all we know about that character and thus it will be there. Adding a spoiler warning to something like that would make no sense.
Those who are allergic to spoilers really ought to stay away from any source of information like Wikia and Wikipedia. They would be better off asking their questions on the forum under the relevant section where there are strict spoiler policies. Why not alter the spoiler warning on the front page of Wikia to include that bit of advice and a link to the forum. The main spoiler warning could do with a bit more prominence in any case, just to make sure that people do see it.
Which means a whole bunch of people asking "can I have a quick reminder as to who Mott is?" and then having to wait for a patient forumgoer to respond. As opposed to ducking into the page in ten seconds, finding out, and moving on.
I'm not saying people can't or shouldn't do that, I'm just saying that generally the forum is for questions which *don't* have easy answers, or for discussion of topics beyond simple facts. Of course, we get straightforward questions to, but I have to ask: what is the point of a wiki if half the people visiting can't read it?
Why is it so hard to be spoiler-conscious on a wiki, but not on a forum? It's not about leaving information out, it's about removing the gory details from public viewing, for the protection of people who actually like finding stuff out. Saying "those people shouldn't go to wikis then!" is just perpetuating the belief that wikis are only for the "One True Fans" who have read the books since release and already know 90% of information - in which case, I ask, why are they even visiting the wiki? - rather than for people who want refreshing on the basics, or who want a *little* bit more info around a certain character.
IMO, it just locks off the wiki to people who are willing to ruin any suspense or surprise in the books, and those who are completely up to date. That's...not nice. It shouldn't be a private completionists playground.
Anyway, my point is: the discussion here is more than just "spoilers or no spoilers" - it's about what the wiki should be. Functionally, that is of course entirely up to the contributors and the motivators rather than the users like myself (though the last time I went on a Malaz wiki was...ages, lol). But if the discussion is being had, I think it should be done properly. Rather than just talking about spoilers, this debate encompasses what the function of the wiki is, how the pages should be laid out, and so on and so forth.
Part of the problem here is that just talking about spoilers isn't useful if the format doesn't allow for good spoiler practices, while a good format can render the spoiler debate redundant. That's why I think the discussion needs to be broader than just about spoilers...