simply are they worth it? around NOKish price zones i find it hard for me to consider buying them even though i got NOK. NOK was thew most essential non essential books i was told so i bought it. Any way are they worth buying. Potential 50 quid on 2 books that will take me around a day to read? there shporter than NOK arent they. And although i enjoyed NOK i found myself regretting getting into it and then it finishing. I only really get into Erikson novels around 200 pages in because i know there so long all the characters have been introduced and i have a rough idea what is going on. So when i got into NOK because of the similar styles (very discriptive scenery, good character description and history without actually stating it etc.) i found myselff regretting buying it as i wanted more.
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The healthy dead and Blood follows
Posted 20 July 2006 - 10:40 PM
Well, as opposed to NoK, they add nothing to the main Malazan story, so are less important to the overall enjoyment and understanding of the series. Quite fun though:)
O xein', angellein Lakedaimoniois hoti têde; keimetha tois keinon rhémasi peithomenoi.
Posted 20 July 2006 - 11:56 PM
yeh but fun as in ' i might buy them seen as there fun' or omg 60 pound but it was so worth it'
Posted 21 July 2006 - 10:32 AM
#5 Guest_dessembrae_*
Posted 21 July 2006 - 10:47 AM
After reading about bauchelain and korbal in moi. You cant help but be intrigued. Well, i certainly was. You find out a bit more about mancys past too so it fills some gaps. As caladan previously said not too intrinsic but amusing nonetheless
Posted 21 July 2006 - 11:43 AM
tiam, you need to learn how to work the internet to get you cheaper prices - eBay, second hand Amazon, all that sort of thing. I got them for about £8 each.
O xein', angellein Lakedaimoniois hoti têde; keimetha tois keinon rhémasi peithomenoi.
Posted 24 July 2006 - 01:57 AM
60 pounds a piece? Are you crazy? - 10pounds 2nd Edition - 10pounds 2nd Edition
Crap load of books going for 10pounds or a little over
Not as many books, but still - 10pounds 2nd Edition - 10pounds 2nd Edition
Crap load of books going for 10pounds or a little over
Not as many books, but still
<div align='center'>You must always strive to be the best, but you must never believe that you are - Juan Manuel Fangio</div>
#8 Guest_TheEdgewalker_*
Posted 24 July 2006 - 11:04 AM
I read Blood Follows yesterday. Fun read, but very short. If you have the money, its worth it, but if you are short on cash, you are not missing anything integral as far as I can tell.
Who are the Sisters, btw? Their Mortal Sword makes an appearance in the book, but I have no idea who they are! Which god(s)?
Who are the Sisters, btw? Their Mortal Sword makes an appearance in the book, but I have no idea who they are! Which god(s)?
#10 Guest_TheEdgewalker_*
Posted 24 July 2006 - 08:52 PM
ah, I suspected that at first, then I figured that there was no way those two could share a Mortal Sword, it doesn't make sense. Especially since he seemed more "white knight" paladiny than anything else. I suppose I am wrong, though.
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