Stalker, on Jan 22 2009, 06:21 AM, said:
I had a few ideas, was thinking either
1) Greeks v. Trojans with their respective gods helping their side. Add a mechanic where the Greek/ Trojan heros can challenge another to one-on-one combat. Kinda like vig, but more like the Russian Roulette from DiBs mini.
2) When Odysseus and Diomedes sneak into Troy itself senario. So this would be Killers vs. Inno (city).
3) I also saw a Odysseus' return to Ithaca idea, so perhaps that person would be interested. This isn't my idea but I am throwing it in for the moment as it goes with the topic.
Let me know what you think. This would be great I think.
Odysseus to Ithaca was mine - I'm definately interested in creating/modding such a game and can possibly do it as a bread-and-butter standard game - but as I don't want to flood the mod thread with all my crazy ideas (and the ensuiing commitments). I decided to not post it in my last one

I'd also be interested in co-modding/ helping to set up the Iliad game.
I definately like idea 1.