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Apologies from Pete Crowther at PS Publishing- and offer of free book in recompense

#1 User is offline   Imperial Historian 

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Posted 31 May 2008 - 05:47 PM

Pete Crowther has apologised for the proofing errors in the PS Publishing RotCG edition, and is offering all customers a free book from their pre-2008 back catalogue in recompense.

As far as I know this includes the K&B anthology, night of knives, lees of laughters end, blood follows, fishin' with grandma matchie, and the devil delivered.

See below for what Pete Crowther has said.

Pete Crowther said:

Hi everyone

I thought I should take a moment or two to offer my apologies for the standard of proofreading for the two-volume slipcased edition of Ian Cameron's excellent now novel RETURN OF THE CRIMSON GUARD.

I don't propose to go into the why's and wherefore's on this: goof-ups happen, and I'm pleased to see that the copy-editor/proofer we hired to do the job -- a seasoned professional, I might mention here -- has seen fit to put his hand in the air. Good for him, I say . . . but I confess I would not have expected less. However, it's on *my* desk that the buck will and *should* stop.

The gentleman concerned has asked that I do not disclose his identity and I'm going to respect that request. So anyone expecting an outpouring of vitriol and general nastiness from me about the job is going to be disappointed. That's just not our style here at PS. I can assure you that this particular proofreader takes his work seriously. I can further testify that this is most certainly a long way below his usual standard. There are some good reasons why he dropped the ball but, of course, they're not much consolation to people who have shelled out good money for what will be regarded as a substandard job.

There's nothing much we can do to rectify it at this stage but, by way of some small recompense, all customers who have purchased a copy are hereby entitled to a free PS book . . . one that *has* been properly edited and proofed. Just drop us a line to with your name, address and (where possible) your original order number and, as soon as we've confirmed that you did indeed buy a copy, we'll send your free book to the address used on the original order. If you ordered your set from somewhere other than direct from PS then let us have all the relevant details in your email and we'll verify your purchase with the appropriate vendor.

The free book should be chosen from our pre-2008 titles -- check the website. No pre-2008 titles are out of bounds -- if we have copies left then we'll send one out to you . . . but give us a couple of alternative choices in case a particular title has recently sold out.

And if you haven't as yet ordered a copy but were thinking of doing so then we'll gladly offer the same deal completely up-front: order your copy through the PS website for the advertised price plus postage and choose a free book from our pre-2008 titles.

I know that this will not fully address the problem, nor will it restore in full the levels of pleasure you had expected on reading the book. But then nothing is going to be ideal in this situation and I hope you'll agree that what we're offering is a genuine gesture. I hope also that this unfortunate incident will not dissuade you from trying us with something else a little farther down the line.

Thanks for listening.

Best wishes

Pete Crowther


#2 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 03 June 2008 - 12:07 PM

I haven't purchased the special edition, being poor and all, but I certainly appreciate seeing such a response from the publisher.

Why hasn't anyone else made a reply in this thread?

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Posted 03 June 2008 - 12:22 PM

Because this is a direct copy from the proofing errors thread where pete originally replied, this is just for those who missed the orignal thread. Like you clearly ;)

#4 User is offline   FilthyGnome 

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Posted 03 June 2008 - 02:10 PM

Ah, excellent. I didn't read it in the other thread. Thank you.

I was slightly dissapointed to see the sub-standard errors, however, like the man said errors happen. I'm just glad it happened to a great book like ROTCG as it was a fantastic read, and the problems did not affect the reading too much, which it might have had it been any less of a good story.

However, i'm glad to see such a nice response. I'm never one to say no to a free book, so i'll be emailing them very soon ;)

#5 User is offline   Pig Iron 

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Posted 10 June 2008 - 05:27 PM

Saw this now. Great book, and a very nice edition apart from the typos. A very classy and generous offer (hope I can get Devil Delivered :o).

#6 User is offline   wolf_2099 

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Posted 24 June 2008 - 05:43 PM

I recieved my two books from PS Publishing yesterday. Go PS Publishing. Figured I post my original e-mail to PS here.


First off, I'd just like to say, after the quality of the proofing of RotCG I had decided I wouldn't buy another book from PS Publishing, since, considering the price (even for a normal book) was poor to say the least.

However, seeing a company actually step up, and apologize for messing up, let alone offer recompose for their mistakes, would make me more than happy to do business with them again. It's so rare I see businesses that actually care about their customers anymore I was very pleased and surprised when I saw the written apology on the Malazan forums.

Thank you very much, it was a very good thing you did.

The quality of the actual book itself (RotCG), and the ones I got yesterday (binding, paper, dustjackets, etc) was extremely nice.

All said and done, I've very impressed with how this was all handled, and plan on ordering a few other books I saw while looking around their site when picking out what I wanted to get for free.

All said and done, I am very, very impressed, and very, very happy.

#7 User is offline   vaiski 

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Posted 24 June 2008 - 07:11 PM

Oddly enough the extended waiting period actually worked in my favor in the end.
As day after another went by without me getting the book the decision to go for PS version instead of the cheaper one in August started to feel more stupid. And having read about proofing issues I convinced myself that it'd literally be full of typos and whatnot and so the PS decision felt even worse.

Now having read the book the errors didn't bother me at all. Which is not to say that I didn't notice them, but it wasn't near as bad as I had imagined.

Still, it's a shame particularly when the book is this expensive and so it's nice that Pete has made a genuine gesture to recompense.

#8 User is offline   Tamilyrn 

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Posted 08 July 2008 - 10:48 AM

Just received my free book : Collected Stories of Bauchelain and Korbal Broach.



#9 User is offline   Gibby 

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Posted 10 July 2008 - 01:31 AM

Look on the bright side people! The books w/ the errors are unique and I predict they will be highly sought after collection pieces eventually. I'm serious.

Kudos to PS Publishing though.

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Posted 11 July 2008 - 08:05 AM

Aptorian;321589 said:

I haven't purchased the special edition, being poor and all, but I certainly appreciate seeing such a response from the publisher.

Why hasn't anyone else made a reply in this thread?

Well said Apt. I couldn't agree more. If I had published this version, such a professional apology and generous offer of recompense would shock and delight me as a customer. Bravo PS!

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Posted 05 October 2008 - 08:56 AM

That is VERY nice of them to do that. If a publisher did that to me, they'd get my patronage for life.
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#12 User is offline   Scifreak 

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Posted 09 October 2008 - 01:48 AM

I logged on to express my anger at those missing pages in a book I pre-ordered and spent weeks looking forward too.

this offer of recompense has taken the rage-wind from my sails.

Waterstones (huge uk book retailer) refused to give me a refund unless I gave them the book back (sod that my misprint edition will be an expensive curio one day I'm sure)

Can anyone reccomend something from the back catalogue? As it stands I'm just going to wait for the trade paperback edition to find out what happened in those missing pages ;)

hate this vb update as well the previous was fine as it was

#13 User is offline   TeddyGraham 

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Posted 21 February 2009 - 01:42 AM

I purchased the book but didnt retain the there any way to still get a free book?
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Posted 22 February 2009 - 10:18 PM

Contact pete crowther at with the name and addess you used to order the book, he probably has you on file so may be able to arrange something.

#15 User is offline   Tiste Simeon 

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Posted 09 September 2009 - 03:18 PM

So if I purchased this from Amazon, got annoyed by the typos etc. I can't do anything about it? Poop.
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