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#41 User is online   Cause 

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Posted 23 May 2008 - 04:36 PM

Racism is not confined to white people hating on black people. The national defence force has had to be mobilized to protect black people in my country. Happened yesterday. You see lack people from South Africa hate black people from Nigeria and Zimbabwe. That what started the violence anyway. Now black people who are zule (South african) are beating up black people who are Xhosa (south African) who are beating up the people who are venda speaking. Its ironic that the black people of south africa are infact campaining under the slogan send the darkies home!

Afirmative action is not the solution to this problem. It only further divides society. Highlights a persons race instead of the opposite.

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Posted 23 May 2008 - 04:39 PM

Trust me, the nationalist parties really don't like us people with dark skin who have the nerve to claim to be British simply because we were born here. It pisses them of no end.
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Posted 23 May 2008 - 04:39 PM

round up the ringleaders, make them live together on an island for a month, setting them challenges and broadcast it live 24/7
we'd call it, uh, "Biggot Brother"

#44 User is offline   The Tyrant Lizard 

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Posted 23 May 2008 - 05:12 PM

stone monkey;315135 said:

Trust me, the nationalist parties really don't like us people with dark skin who have the nerve to claim to be British simply because we were born here. It pisses them of no end.

The nationalist right wing parties are basically a bunch of dickheads that dont know anything about politics. But they are only a small minority. the reason they gets votes these days has nothing to do with them saying they dont like black people, its to do with them saying they dont want any more eastern europeans coming to take all the jobs and benefits and houses from the natives. If any BNP member or whoever put on their manifesto that they hated blacks they'd be hung out to dry.
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Posted 23 May 2008 - 05:46 PM

stone monkey;315135 said:

Trust me, the nationalist parties really don't like us people with dark skin who have the nerve to claim to be British simply because we were born here. It pisses them of no end.

Let's say some of them don't like "darkies" just because. No questions.

However, some of them and probably 50/50 don't like any immigrants who are from this cateogory: the flood of immigrants coming into britain and not addapting to the culture.

I am immigrant myself, just a few weeks ago I received my British Citizenship and I am jewish and I do look like a palestinian although I am 100% european jew. It is my sedond immigration. And you know what? I dispise and dislike the fellow immigrants who belong to a category mentioned above and unfortunately I would say the majority of immigrants belong to this category. I understand local people who dislike this type of people.

P.S. You have to pass a silly test now in order to be qualified to apply for B.C. and despite the fact that some questions and info for the test are silly, such as we have 646 constituencies in the country and 33 in London and ethnic minorities make up 45% of London, etc., I believe it is the right decision because it forces those immigrants who come here for better life to actually learn something about the country that gives them shelter and about its customs and traditions and politics and give them a choice: don't like it? Leave.

And some of the "darkies" who immigrated to the UK from Asia are no better than your white racists. I have some pakistany students in a college who say Borat each time I am around because they know that I am jew from the former Soviet Union. Why do they hate me? I don't have this type of problems with white British (or black British who work in my team) or Indians.

I am not saying there is no racism but methods chosen to eliminate it are wrong such as Political Correctness, Ethnic background parts of application forms. Headlines on the news such as: A company Blahblah has less than 15% of ethnic minorities, they will be investigated! Or as it was said before about firefighters. Sure there are no or very little ethnic minorities there. They do not want to risk their life and work hard. I wouldn't to be firefighter. I would way too scared. When ESOL teachers ask darkies immigrants about what type of job they are looking for, almost 100% have a typical answer: Shop owners/shop assitants/restaurants. So, how on the earth will you get them in firefighters? I do not blame them, what I am saying that goverment with its idiotic Political Correctness which enforces ethnic minorities percentages in every company/business etc., making (not white) but local people angry and making even more enemies for the so called darkies.

From my experience the roots and majority of problems lie within "darkies" society not within local society because majority of locals don't care what colour or religion you are as long as you work properly.

P.S. Well, I anticipate what is going to follow this post ;)
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#46 User is offline   The Tyrant Lizard 

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Posted 23 May 2008 - 05:56 PM

I agree about the ridiculous pc in this country. An example would be when in a particular town the authorities decided not to call it christmas on this certain year because they didnt want to offend the minorities who lived there. Those minorities couldn't have cared less if you called christmas christmas, because they're not stupid and know that it is fucking christmas. winterval was a term dreamed up by brainless middle class white morons who havent got a clue about the real world.
all they achieved with that little stunt was to make the whites bear a grudge against the local muslims, who were more than happy to celebrate xman with everone else in the first place.
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#47 User is offline   Macros 

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Posted 23 May 2008 - 07:46 PM

oh yeah, festive decorations, not christmas
thats horseshit the decoartions arent up to be festive, they're up to celebrate christmas and the birth of santa, if you are offended, go back to a country where santa doesnt exist. likely the only people it bothers are the hate mongers trying to stir up shit (why they are allowed in country is beyond me, if they hate the west so much why the fuck are they living here, out , do pass go do not collect your benefits, go home)

#48 User is offline   Andy_is 

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Posted 23 May 2008 - 10:37 PM

living in Blackburn; quite the multicultural town these days, i suppose i see quite a bit of racism from day to day.
being the white middle class male that i am i only really see the white ---> black (and by black mainly Indian/ Pakistan countries) racism. Its an odd thing, ive found the majority of the day to day racism goes on behind the other persons back, an example

Ahmed, john and tom (names have been changed to protect the innocent.. and guilty) are chatting in a group, Ahmed leaves and a few mins later tom may go "f***ing paki" or something.

now tom was perfectly nice to Ahmed's face but this was a front. theres no need for him to say this and since its not to Ahmed's face it was obviously not said to specifically hurt him etc. so why??? (don't expect an answer :p)

perhaps (and its a big perhaps) its more to do with a fear of the unknown (as previously stated) perpetuated by the more publicized racists like the bnp. if its not terrorists trying to blow us up then its illegal immigrants taking all our jobs (theres been a major shift away from the west Asian community towards the polish sect with regards to this) and the media conscious majority (yes vast sun readers :p im talking to you ;)) reporting each and every infringement, a more impressionable bloke would be left with a mild sense of alienation in their own country.

i admit to feeling of being uncomfortable when i walk in a room and some of the bi-linguals (because lets face it, they're not all immigrants) switch to their other language. It gives a feeling of being pushed out. granted the convo was probably not for me anyway but even so, i just find it rude.

iunno, i guess i don't really have a point and just wanted to chat about some of my experiences in my usual rambling way (you can tell im rambling by the excessive use of brackets :p just be glad i havnt gone down the path of ( ( this) ) yet )

i'll cut it short there.

please feel free to share your experiences :)

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Posted 24 May 2008 - 02:44 AM


how can you say quotaas are a step in the right direction?
theyre a backstep, thats anothe major part of my problem, quotas highlight races, give certain areas preference, this is discrimination.

Alright. It's a step in the right direction because it forces employers to evaluate minority candidates when they (employers) might otherwise dismiss them in favor of a more immediately comfortable fit. I know all too well how it can grate on the loser...and I've seen firsthand how such arbitrary decisions come back to haunt employers. But really, it's the only way to ensure that racism doesn't play a part in the hiring process.

On the flip-side... the argument loses validity when the business owners are of an ethnic persuasion...I don't know of any restrictions prohibiting an all-black/whatever business. It's a double standard, to be sure. It's the price we pay for our prejudicial heritage. I can handle it. A smart employer should be able to differentiate between those who're qualified and those who're not.

At some point, in the future, I hope, it really shouldn't be an issue. Skin color has no bearing on one's aptitude to perform a certain duty...

It's up to our generation, and those subsequent, to put a stop to PC and just recognize people for people.

#50 User is offline   Silencer 

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Posted 24 May 2008 - 04:40 AM

"It's the price we pay for our prejudicial heritage" - that's just sad. That's like locking up the kids of a murderer even when they have a spotless record! This is another reason why racism is stupid - not only does it work one-way, but it's because of something some people did years ago! Sure, it's still in the minds of the people discriminated against and such, but until they can "forgive and forget" racism will continue to exist.
Although I agree with your last two sentences entirely.

And to whoever said that people will never have a single skin color (back on page 1 or 2 I think) - that's not strictly true. Depending on the number of "inter-racial" sex that goes on, in the next 500-1000 years it's quite possible everybody will be just different shades of one color......

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


#51 User is offline   Urb 

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Posted 24 May 2008 - 07:51 AM

Silencer;315329 said:

And to whoever said that people will never have a single skin color (back on page 1 or 2 I think) - that's not strictly true. Depending on the number of "inter-racial" sex that goes on, in the next 500-1000 years it's quite possible everybody will be just different shades of one color......

If it's not the color of their skin it will be something else.
Most of us are (to some extent) an ignorant uneducated people.
Prejudice will prevail ;)
The leader, his audience still,
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#52 User is offline   Silencer 

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Posted 24 May 2008 - 07:59 AM

^ When you say "most of us are an ignorant uneducated people" I'm not too sure what you're talking about.
I agree that there will always be SOMETHING that people discriminate by, but I was merely pointing out that eventually skin color won't be an issue.
Do you mean uneducated in terms of ethical issues? Or are you just saying that the majority of the world has very little 'education' (i.e. the modern school stuff), or some other form of education? I'm not arguing, but that statement just doesn't make sense to me......

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


#53 User is offline   Urb 

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Posted 24 May 2008 - 08:02 AM

Uneducated about other cultures. We all live in our own little pond and get nervous when we see something we haven't seen before.
The leader, his audience still,
considered their scholarly will.
He lowered his head
and with anguish he said,
"But how will we teach them to kill?"

-some poet on reddit

#54 User is offline   Adjutant Stormy~ 

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Posted 24 May 2008 - 08:21 AM

TWO WORDS: Racism Lolz.
<!--quoteo(post=462161:date=Nov 1 2008, 06:13 PM:name=Aptorian)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Aptorian @ Nov 1 2008, 06:13 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=462161"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->God damn. Mighty drunk. Must ... what is the english movement movement movement for drunk... with out you seemimg drunk?

bla bla bla

Peopleare harrasing me... grrrrrh.

Also people with big noses aren't jews, they're just french

EDIT: We has editted so mucj that5 we're not quite sure... also, leave britney alone.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

#55 User is offline   Slum 

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Posted 24 May 2008 - 08:34 AM

Silencer;315329 said:

"It's the price we pay for our prejudicial heritage" - that's just sad. That's like locking up the kids of a murderer even when they have a spotless record!

I'm sorry, but the argument stands..."the sins of the father shall be visited on the sons." We can't escape our ancestral bads because we know better now. It's nice to think we should be able to...but we pay for our forefathers' past transgressions.

It's all a matter of perspective, and most of us whiteys, like it or not, are in no position to judge.

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Posted 24 May 2008 - 08:43 AM

Andy_is;315245 said:

i admit to feeling of being uncomfortable when i walk in a room and some of the bi-linguals (because lets face it, they're not all immigrants) switch to their other language. It gives a feeling of being pushed out. granted the convo was probably not for me anyway but even so, i just find it rude

It is extremely rude. At least that's what I believe it is. I experienced this long time ago when I was studying at Uni in Moscow. We had a lot of students from Georgia, Armenia, Azerbadzhan etc. Whenever you got inti elevator with them, even there were 6 of Russian speaking and only 2 of them they would disregard us completely and chat quite loudly in their own harsh languages. I believe it is disrespectful. I have learned from it and when I was in Israel and now in the UK I am trying not to do it or at least not so obvious. The only time I don't follow the rule is when I am on holidays ;)
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Posted 24 May 2008 - 12:29 PM

if they speak english well enough to have no need to switch back to goobledegook I always assume they're talking about me and my round eyes and pasty white skin.
I would love to be fluent in several foreign languages out of curioisity to see what they are talking about, and then if they made a joke burst out laughing and add a rebuttal to freak them out

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Posted 24 May 2008 - 12:39 PM

Slumgullion Spitteler;315366 said:

I'm sorry, but the argument stands..."the sins of the father shall be visited on the sons." We can't escape our ancestral bads because we know better now. It's nice to think we should be able to...but we pay for our forefathers' past transgressions.

It's all a matter of perspective, and most of us whiteys, like it or not, are in no position to judge.

This makes no sense to me personally. Not only did I play no role in slavery, but I have absolutely no idea whether my ancestors did or not. Therefore, me taking any responsibility is about as nonsensical as feeling culpable for the genocide in WW2, because Germans are also white.

Interestingly linked- would you say present day Germans should apologise for the sins of their grandfathers during the war? When I was in Berlin a teacher and a student in my class were having this argument, and he didnt see why he should have to feel sorry- certainly it was a terrible event and he's sorry it happened, but it's nothing to do at all with him, so he shouldnt be made to feel guilty.

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Posted 24 May 2008 - 12:47 PM

Thats sort of my arguement with young black people bringing up the oppressoin their forefathers were under, its irrelavent to them, they weren't out in the field picking cotton all day, so I shouldn't feel bad about making jokes about it, its in the past and didn't affect the person I'm joking with/ about

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Posted 24 May 2008 - 01:59 PM

Macros;315438 said:

Thats sort of my arguement with young black people bringing up the oppressoin their forefathers were under, its irrelavent to them, they weren't out in the field picking cotton all day, so I shouldn't feel bad about making jokes about it, its in the past and didn't affect the person I'm joking with/ about

I wanted to ignore it but I cannot.

I totally disagree with you.
It is about slavery, holocaust or nukes on Japan.

I believe you confuse two very different things. Feeling guilty and being disrespectful.

My opinion:
Today's generation of Americans or European should not feel guilty about aforementioned tradegies. It is not their fault what happened long time ago. I am with you on this one.
I disagree with something else. I don't get your attitude towards jokes about these tragedies.

For example. Your parents are being crashed in a car accident (G-d forbid). Your friends learn about all the details. In about 10 years you all meet. It was not their fault your parents have died. So, thet start to make jokes about how parents were crossing the street or doing something else and forgot that they are in the middle of the road and they are being....etc etc. Would you feel OK with it? It is a thing from the past. Your friends should not feel gulity about it.

The same applies about jokes you would say about holocaust or slavery or anything else. How can you make a joke about holocauss in front of me when my granddad died in WWII? When I saw elderly people with tattoos from camps and know what they had to go through? When more than a half of my people were annihilated just for being jews? You or Germans should not feel guilty. I agree, but making jokes about such tradegy? It is beyond me. If we were to meet in RL I would avoid any contact with you.

(Americans should not feel guilty for nukes but making jokes about it?)

I don't comprehend it.
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