2). Lord of the rings
3). Tom Lloyd - Twilight Reign series (awesome)
4). David Farland -the runelords series (awesome)
4) Glen Cook - chronicles of the black company
5) C,L,Werner (black library) the males darkblade omnibus (insane with dark humour' unspeakable cruelty that only a dark elf can inflict, and sheer amount of skirmishes and large scale battles)
6). Robert Jordan - the wheel of time series (love it or hate it, the battle scenes/encounters of rand and foresaken when they do happen are mind blowing, on that count alone sheer genius)
7). J.r.r.Tolkien - the silmarillion (massive LotR fan, I can't get enough of his version of elves, and I would love to see this be made into a motion picture, but make it dark unlike the slightly disappointing hobbit motion picture aimed at families)
8). Terry good kind - sword of truth series
9). G.r.r.martin - the game of thrones
10) these two are closely matched but I think Raymond Feist just tops it and then David Gemmell...with terry brooks coming in just behind ( between these three authors they have written some of the best trilogy series I've ever read)
Some other amazing authors I've read
Trudi canavan
Stephen donaldson
Roger Zelanzy - lord of light, he possibly deserves to be in top ten (if u like Buddhism u will like this book)
James Clemens - the banned and the banished series
Joe abercombie...sry he dererved be in top ten favourites
R. a Salvatore the drizzt do urden trilogy the prequel to the Icewind dale series where he's living amongst the drow
And something different for those of you who find the jade emperor and his pantheon of gods interesting then there's an author called Kylie Chan.
This post has been edited by Fell Beast: 18 February 2015 - 07:36 PM