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Posted 17 October 2013 - 09:53 PM
I think in the last game to eliminate an unfair advantage that the mod had all tiles are available for draw and once the 24th tile was selected everything else was considered the discarded tiles. I vote to keep it that way.
I'm not sure how discarded tiles were factored in on future draws. You might want to ask D'rek and CF how they handled that aspect. There weren't too many discards in either game if I remember correctly.
I'm not sure how discarded tiles were factored in on future draws. You might want to ask D'rek and CF how they handled that aspect. There weren't too many discards in either game if I remember correctly.
I don't know what I'm doing but it sounds good.
Posted 17 October 2013 - 09:55 PM
Posted 17 October 2013 - 10:24 PM
I would like each of you to make a placeholder post in the Game Iv thread in PLAY ORDER please.
Posted 17 October 2013 - 10:37 PM
"Greetings Universlings, what a glorious night 'tis to celebrate a beginning. Orion would like to let his neighbors, to the East, know that he could act as a big brother and protect their interests and building of shrines. We would like to also let the West know that aggression towards our Race will be met with heavy force and retaliation. In that light we would like to
Rotate our hex so that two wormholes are touching Tier 2, so that is one click Anti Clockwise. Discard money cube.
Rotate our hex so that two wormholes are touching Tier 2, so that is one click Anti Clockwise. Discard money cube.
Apt is the only one who reads this. Apt is nice.
Posted 17 October 2013 - 10:39 PM
Will this thread become redundant? Should I have posted the above in the action thread? Place holder ready to be placed

Apt is the only one who reads this. Apt is nice.
Posted 17 October 2013 - 11:14 PM
Ganoes Paran, on 17 October 2013 - 10:39 PM, said:
Will this thread become redundant?
Should I have posted the above in the action thread?
Place holder ready to be placed
Should I have posted the above in the action thread?
Place holder ready to be placed

No. Only I will be posting in that one.
I tried moving one of IH's posts to that thread. But it ends up at the top of the thread.

Posted 17 October 2013 - 11:20 PM
Discovery question: 1 warp portal and 2 orbitals or 2 warp portals and 1 orbital? I've found sources for both.
Any missing?
Edit: Changed orbital and warp portal numbers
- +3 Money +2 Science +2 Materials 01
- +3 Money +2 Science +2 Materials 02
- +5 Science 01
- +5 Science 02
- +5 Science 03
- +6 Materials 01
- +6 Materials 02
- +6 Materials 03
- +8 Money 01
- +8 Money 02
- +8 Money 03
- Ancient Interceptor 01
- Ancient Interceptor 02
- Ancient Orbital 01
- Ancient Orbital 02
- Ancient Warp Portal
- Axion Computer
- Conformal Drive
- Flux Shield
- Free Cruiser 01
- Free Cruiser 02
- Free Cruiser 03
- Free Tech 01
- Free Tech 02
- Free Tech 03
- Hypergrid Source
- Ion Disrupter
- Ion Missiles
- Ion Turret
- Jump Drive
- Morph Shield
- Muon Source
- Shard Hull
- Nova Burst
Any missing?
Edit: Changed orbital and warp portal numbers
This post has been edited by Galactic Council: 18 October 2013 - 03:23 AM
Posted 17 October 2013 - 11:22 PM
Galactic Council, on 17 October 2013 - 09:45 PM, said:
And a question: Exploring and available hexes. There's a glitch since Planta and Draco are playing.
sector I: 8 available, only 6 used.
sector II: 14 available, only 12 used.
sector III: 31 available, only 24 used.
Tabletop game (my understanding):
The 24 sector III hexes are chosen face down. The explores come only from those 24. Discards are set to the side and re-shuffled when/if the pile is gone.
ME game 3:
The hexes were taken out of the entire list of available hexes until 24 hexes had been placed.
1. Pick the 24 hexes now. Discards set to side. Re-shuffle when necessary.
5. Pick the hexes as they're explored out of all available hexes. Each discard reduces the number of explores FROM ALL HEXES by 1. Discards set to the side. Once the number of explores + the number of discards = 24, further explores draw only from the discarded hexes.
sector I: 8 available, only 6 used.
sector II: 14 available, only 12 used.
sector III: 31 available, only 24 used.
Tabletop game (my understanding):
The 24 sector III hexes are chosen face down. The explores come only from those 24. Discards are set to the side and re-shuffled when/if the pile is gone.
ME game 3:
The hexes were taken out of the entire list of available hexes until 24 hexes had been placed.
1. Pick the 24 hexes now. Discards set to side. Re-shuffle when necessary.
- Consequence of this is that all the hexes have to be face up so no advantage to moi. Meaning that everyone knows which of the special hexes are not in the game.
- Which means that the discards are essentially removed from the game upon discard.
- As Draco I'm sorta not liking that idea because it seriously weakens the power of my discard.
5. Pick the hexes as they're explored out of all available hexes. Each discard reduces the number of explores FROM ALL HEXES by 1. Discards set to the side. Once the number of explores + the number of discards = 24, further explores draw only from the discarded hexes.
Imperial Historian, on 17 October 2013 - 09:51 PM, said:
When I play tabletop, I generally set aside 24 hexes, if someone discards, a new tile is added to the base of the discard deck. In the vary rare occurrence where we run out of new tiles, discard deck is reshuffled and a new tile is added from the discards. So that's option 2, with addons in that we can reshuffle (could conceivably happen with tier 1 I guess). I can't remember whether draco discards face up, but I think so.
AFAIR, the way we have done it with my tabletop group is like IH says - for Tier 3 we set aside the appropriate number of hexes (depending on the number of players) ahead of time, and that becomes the Tier 3 "pile". The rest of the Tier 3 hexes are tossed in the box and not used all game. So if discards occur, whether Draco or regular discard (the discarded hex is treated the same way - placed face up in the discard pile) it doesn't change the subset of hexes that have already been "picked" as the tier 3 hexes for this particular game.
However, we treat the tier 1 and tier 2 piles the opposite - because there's only a few extra of them and there's a limited number of slots to place them in the game, we just put all the tier 1 and tier 2 hexes in their piles, so if discards happen it can change which of the hexes would end up being the ones used for this particular game.
I'm not really sure which way is "correct", or if there is definitely one correct way that should be used for all three tiers. With my tabletop group, I think we mostly just do it that way for convenience - we like having the variability to the game that all the tier 1 and 2 hexes could come into play (or if you're exploring the last empty space and get a crappy hex there's more than 1 hex left in the pile to draw), but for tier 3 we're too lazy to try and keep track of how many tier 3 hexes we're allowed to explore.
In the 2nd forum game, I think I did actually use the "everything is in the pile" method for all 3 tiers and we ended up having a counting problem at some point.
Posted 17 October 2013 - 11:23 PM
Galactic Council, on 17 October 2013 - 11:20 PM, said:
Discovery question: 1 warp portal and 2 orbitals or 2 warp portals and 1 orbital? I've found sources for both.
Any missing?
- +3 Money +2 Science +2 Materials 01
- +3 Money +2 Science +2 Materials 02
- +5 Science 01
- +5 Science 02
- +5 Science 03
- +6 Materials 01
- +6 Materials 02
- +6 Materials 03
- +8 Money 01
- +8 Money 02
- +8 Money 03
- Ancient Interceptor 01
- Ancient Interceptor 02
- Ancient Orbital
- Ancient Warp Portal 01
- Ancient Warp Portal 02
- Axion Computer
- Conformal Drive
- Flux Shield
- Free Cruiser 01
- Free Cruiser 02
- Free Cruiser 03
- Free Tech 01
- Free Tech 02
- Free Tech 03
- Hypergrid Source
- Ion Disrupter
- Ion Missiles
- Ion Turret
- Jump Drive
- Morph Shield
- Muon Source
- Shard Hull
- Nova Burst
Any missing?
Two ancient orbitals, one warp portal.
Are you sure there's two ancient interceptors?
Posted 17 October 2013 - 11:35 PM
D, on 17 October 2013 - 11:23 PM, said:
From boardgamegeek
- 108 plastic ship models: a full set of Ships (18 Ships) for each of the six base game Alien species.
- 1 Player Board (two-sided, with Terran Separatists on one side and Guardians of Magellan on the other)
- 1 Starting Sector Hex (#239/240) and 3 Ambassador Tiles for the new species
- 1 Outer Sector hex (#325)
- 1 Tractor Beam Rare Technology Tile
- 1 Security Council Development Tile
- 2 Ancient Interceptors Discovery Tiles
- 1 Advanced GCDS Tile
- 6 +40 Storage Markers
- 2 Turn Order Boards
- 10 Turn Order Markers
- 9 Next Turn Order Markers
Posted 17 October 2013 - 11:44 PM
Galactic Council, on 17 October 2013 - 11:35 PM, said:
D, on 17 October 2013 - 11:23 PM, said:
From boardgamegeek
- 108 plastic ship models: a full set of Ships (18 Ships) for each of the six base game Alien species.
- 1 Player Board (two-sided, with Terran Separatists on one side and Guardians of Magellan on the other)
- 1 Starting Sector Hex (#239/240) and 3 Ambassador Tiles for the new species
- 1 Outer Sector hex (#325)
- 1 Tractor Beam Rare Technology Tile
- 1 Security Council Development Tile
- 2 Ancient Interceptors Discovery Tiles
- 1 Advanced GCDS Tile
- 6 +40 Storage Markers
- 2 Turn Order Boards
- 10 Turn Order Markers
- 9 Next Turn Order Markers
Ok, cool!
In other news, Nebula Hexes!!!

Number of downloads: 5
Posted 17 October 2013 - 11:46 PM
Posted 17 October 2013 - 11:59 PM
You sure there are two ancient orbitals? I only recall having one...
I assume nebula hexes are from the 2nd expansion (not the ship pack), but I don't think there are any details yet
I assume nebula hexes are from the 2nd expansion (not the ship pack), but I don't think there are any details yet
Posted 18 October 2013 - 12:17 AM
Galactic Council, on 17 October 2013 - 09:45 PM, said:
And a question: Exploring and available hexes. There's a glitch since Planta and Draco are playing.
sector I: 8 available, only 6 used.
sector II: 14 available, only 12 used.
sector III: 31 available, only 24 used.
5. Pick the hexes as they're explored out of all available hexes. Each discard reduces the number of explores FROM ALL HEXES by 1. Discards set to the side. Once the number of explores + the number of discards = 24, further explores draw only from the discarded hexes.
sector I: 8 available, only 6 used.
sector II: 14 available, only 12 used.
sector III: 31 available, only 24 used.
5. Pick the hexes as they're explored out of all available hexes. Each discard reduces the number of explores FROM ALL HEXES by 1. Discards set to the side. Once the number of explores + the number of discards = 24, further explores draw only from the discarded hexes.
I think we can do the option 5 easily enough for all sectors. Bulleted list!
Initial List said:
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- 201 Alpha Centauri
- 202 Fomalhaut
- 203 Chi Draconis
- 204 Vega
- 205 Mu Herculis
- 206 Epsilon Indi
- 207 Zeta Reculi
- 208 Iota Persei
- 209 Delta Eridani
- 210 Psi Capricorni
- 211 Beta Aquilae
- 212 Lambda Fornacis
- 213 Iota Bootis
- 281 Delta Corvi
Example said:
- Khell - 206 Epsilon Indi - <orokos link>
- D'rek - 212 Lambda Fornacis - <orokos link>
- Gnaw - 203 Chi Draconis - <orokos link>
- Gnaw - 213 Iota Bootis - DISCARDED <orokos link>
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Discard pile
- 201 Alpha Centauri
- 202 Fomalhaut
- 204 Vega
- 205 Mu Herculis
- 207 Zeta Reculi
- 208 Iota Persei
- 209 Delta Eridani
- 210 Psi Capricorni
- 211 Beta Aquilae
- 281 Delta Corvi
- 213 Iota Bootis
Posted 18 October 2013 - 12:19 AM
Imperial Historian, on 17 October 2013 - 11:59 PM, said:
You sure there are two ancient orbitals? I only recall having one...
I assume nebula hexes are from the 2nd expansion (not the ship pack), but I don't think there are any details yet
I assume nebula hexes are from the 2nd expansion (not the ship pack), but I don't think there are any details yet
Don't suppose you know how to move/merge posts in a specific order?
Otherwise, we're going to end up waiting 36 to 48 hours just to get those in.

Which I am really not prepared to do. <twitch>
This post has been edited by Galactic Council: 18 October 2013 - 12:23 AM
Posted 18 October 2013 - 12:19 AM
Imperial Historian, on 17 October 2013 - 11:59 PM, said:
You sure there are two ancient orbitals? I only recall having one...
I'm pretty sure. When I borrowed the physical game to run game #2 I checked them by hand and if I remember correctly there were two ancient orbitals (and definitely only 1 warp portal).
Imperial Historian, on 17 October 2013 - 11:59 PM, said:
I assume nebula hexes are from the 2nd expansion (not the ship pack), but I don't think there are any details yet
Yeah, apparently they're working on a 2nd expansion like RotA, different from ship pack one/two. There's a video with a quick look at them playtesting some of the new things they're considering adding. One thing is the nebula hexes, which seem to be 3 inter-connected hexes in one, and there's also been hints at some new races, some sort of race-customization mechanic and probably other things I'm not aware of.
Posted 18 October 2013 - 12:25 AM
Galactic Council, on 18 October 2013 - 12:19 AM, said:
Imperial Historian, on 17 October 2013 - 11:59 PM, said:
You sure there are two ancient orbitals? I only recall having one...
I assume nebula hexes are from the 2nd expansion (not the ship pack), but I don't think there are any details yet
I assume nebula hexes are from the 2nd expansion (not the ship pack), but I don't think there are any details yet
Don't suppose you know how to move/merge posts in a specific order?
Otherwise, we're going to end up waiting 36 to 48 hours just to get those in.

Which I am really not prepared to do. <twitch>
I'm afraid I don't. I've tried to do it before and couldn't. you'll just have to wait for your fix. We need everyone to choose rotations and discard cubes anyway before we start.
EDIT: And you're right d'rek just check, 1 warp portal and 2 ancient orbitals, guess the 2 ancient orbital have just never come out in the same game
Posted 18 October 2013 - 12:31 AM
Galactic Council, on 18 October 2013 - 12:17 AM, said:
Galactic Council, on 17 October 2013 - 09:45 PM, said:
And a question: Exploring and available hexes. There's a glitch since Planta and Draco are playing.
sector I: 8 available, only 6 used.
sector II: 14 available, only 12 used.
sector III: 31 available, only 24 used.
5. Pick the hexes as they're explored out of all available hexes. Each discard reduces the number of explores FROM ALL HEXES by 1. Discards set to the side. Once the number of explores + the number of discards = 24, further explores draw only from the discarded hexes.
sector I: 8 available, only 6 used.
sector II: 14 available, only 12 used.
sector III: 31 available, only 24 used.
5. Pick the hexes as they're explored out of all available hexes. Each discard reduces the number of explores FROM ALL HEXES by 1. Discards set to the side. Once the number of explores + the number of discards = 24, further explores draw only from the discarded hexes.
I think we can do the option 5 easily enough for all sectors. Bulleted list!
Initial List said:
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- 201 Alpha Centauri
- 202 Fomalhaut
- 203 Chi Draconis
- 204 Vega
- 205 Mu Herculis
- 206 Epsilon Indi
- 207 Zeta Reculi
- 208 Iota Persei
- 209 Delta Eridani
- 210 Psi Capricorni
- 211 Beta Aquilae
- 212 Lambda Fornacis
- 213 Iota Bootis
- 281 Delta Corvi
Example said:
- Khell - 206 Epsilon Indi - <orokos link>
- D'rek - 212 Lambda Fornacis - <orokos link>
- Gnaw - 203 Chi Draconis - <orokos link>
- Gnaw - 213 Iota Bootis - DISCARDED <orokos link>
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Sector II Exp
- Discard pile
- 201 Alpha Centauri
- 202 Fomalhaut
- 204 Vega
- 205 Mu Herculis
- 207 Zeta Reculi
- 208 Iota Persei
- 209 Delta Eridani
- 210 Psi Capricorni
- 211 Beta Aquilae
- 281 Delta Corvi
- 213 Iota Bootis
Anyone see a flaw in this plan?
Posted 18 October 2013 - 12:32 AM
We going for the new galactic centres over the ancient dreads then?
EDIT: looks good to me, personally I'd continue drawing from the main pile over bringing back the discards for tier 3, but your choice
EDIT: looks good to me, personally I'd continue drawing from the main pile over bringing back the discards for tier 3, but your choice