sappers rule, on 06 May 2012 - 07:42 PM, said:
awesome pictures thought they do seem cartooney but in an awesome way.
Thank you. I hate to pawn off a well used excuse, but I often have difficulty conveying some things in the style I draw in. Hopefully this doesn't detract from anyone's enjoyment of the art. This is actually one of the reasons why I held off for so long on posting here.
Sinisdar Toste, on 06 May 2012 - 08:36 PM, said:
very nice sketches. i like that you've done moby, cuz i don't think we've gotten a very close look at bhok'aral'a in any of our residents artist's pieces. he looks really sweet, but i always pictured, and thought they were described, with round ears, not long, fox-bat like ones.
Thanks. I hadn't really recalled any specifics about them aside from them being ape-like, and I have to admit I was channelling
Momo a little when I drew this.
alt146, on 07 May 2012 - 06:23 AM, said:
I like the work, especially Kalam. The only minor nitpicks would be that Cotillion is Dal Honese, so he should have much darker skin and that the bhok'aral'a are described as having apelike features. I'd love to see your take on Quick Ben if you don't know what to draw next

Thanks! It took me a while to get the skin colour right, but I'm glad I did the research. I don't recall reading anywhere about Cotillion's origin, so I just went with what I thought felt right. (I double checked both wikis and it doesn't say. Don't want to read any further since I'm only on Deadhouse Gates)
Anyway, here's some things I did today...

Concepts for rhizan. I like them both equally for different reasons...

Fiddler and Moby (now with corrected round ears)

Kalam and Quick Ben in Darujhistan. Not sure where to go next from here, but it was a fun composition practice.

My headcanon Quick Ben. I know in most artworks and official art he is depicted as bald, but nowhere in the books is it mentioned that he is... so this is just my take.
*runs back into a hole*
This post has been edited by Toraneko: 07 May 2012 - 09:11 AM