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Message from Steve


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Posted 13 March 2008 - 07:51 AM

Steve has asked for this to be posted :-


Hello everyone,

Normally I don't step in, especially this early in the game with Toll the Hounds still a few months from being released, but it occurs to me you might find it useful if I toss in a few comments to assist you in your discussions. This is all pretty random, but here goes:

The two dead characters in the prologue are not related to anyone seen in the books; in fact, they are generic and won't be seen again -- no need to speculate on their identities. At the end of that sequence, when she says: 'oh here comes my carriage,' this is simply the product of being exceptionally brainless on her part, and highborn to boot. Trust me when I say that what's on its way ain't her carriage. That section, with the two corpses, needs to be read through to a deeper level than what's on the surface.

You've not yet met the third member in Kruppe's little gathering. By the novel's end you will know precisely who the man is.

The line regarding 'two women' in the daughters section missed my editing eye -- I will correct before publication.

Sundry other comments: Timeline. Well, yes, I can see how this fascinates everyone. I recall speaking with Malaclypse over the phone a few months back and numbing his ear with a run-through of how the events fit in my head, the key being to disregard all noted years (which is where I consistently screw up -- while things remain in the form of a blurred cause and effect sequence in my head, it all makes sense. To me, at least.). He mulled on it for a while and then said 'yeah, that almost fits.' Friends, 'almost' is good enough for me. I used to be scared of inconsistencies. Not any more. Well, make of that what you will. With respect to the Nascent and time going strange there, and to those who have noted that detail: yes, some basics laws are very much awry in the Nascent. The reasons will come clear.

I noted some curiosity as to the music I listen to while writing. Some people have suggested that it's all personal and private and I'd never tell. Nah, sure I'll tell. You are welcome to know what music I listen to and even argue with each other over it. What remains personal, as with each and every one of us, is how that music affects us. Not only is that personal, it's probably ineffable. What stirs my imagination in a song can sometimes being as little as a single phrase (a lone line about 'hyenas' in Roger Waters' Amused to Death that set most of the Chain of Dogs afire in my brain); or a spectacularly evocative guitar lick with stunning lyrics (Bruce Cockburn's last song on the Charity of Night album -- Strange Waters? that spoke to me about the price of displacement).

Over the past couple years I have been listening to, in no particular order:

Bob Dylan (and covers by other artists)
Bonnie Rait
Leonard Cohen (and covers by other artists)
Bruce Cockburn
Roger Waters & Floyd
Talking Heads
David Byrne

and for the most ecelctic collection imaginable, try this:

lyle lovett, sinatra, crowded house, led zepplin, neil halsted, joni mitchell, hootie and the blowfish, planet p, chris rea, van morrison, neil young, nick cave and the bad seeds, annie lennox, etc.

Betrays my generation? Maybe. Uncool? Probably. Whatever I listen to while writing, it needs lyrics, and generally good lyrics (the exception to the latter being led zepplin, which flaunts terrible lyrics, but the sound!). Stunned and appalled by 'sinatra'? Ah, you younglings -- want the best the-world-is-fucked-and-we're-all-going-to-die song? Try old blue eyes and 'Let's face the music and dance.' See what I mean about private head-space? It's a mystery, all right, but one with a big wide grin.

Anyway, thanks for your patience on the prologue; I hope the wait was worth it.

Steven Erikson

discuss.... :p

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Posted 13 March 2008 - 07:56 AM

First to read!

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Posted 13 March 2008 - 07:57 AM

Awesome Hetan.

Wow, I'm glad the two dead people don't matter, because it was annoying me.

The time line thing is interesting as well.


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Posted 13 March 2008 - 08:00 AM

Really interesting - thanks Steve/Hetan!
Lots of hints and useful stuff in there too.

And Xander - "First to read"....really......

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


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Posted 13 March 2008 - 08:06 AM


Not often an author steps in to tell their fans some of their speculation is worthelss and to move on to other stuff!
(much better than a RAFO :p )

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Posted 13 March 2008 - 08:28 AM

Awesome. Kills some of our more useless speculation, and nice to know there'll be a correction about the "daughters" issue, which should kill that thread rather nicely (I hope).

Thanks, as usual, Hetan.

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Posted 13 March 2008 - 08:31 AM

Good man...clearing some stuff up for us.
Listens to some good tunes too :p

thnks hetan

Why dont they make the whole plane out of that black box stuff?

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Posted 13 March 2008 - 08:31 AM

Wow, great :p I am particularly pleased by the non-duikerness of the third guy.

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Posted 13 March 2008 - 08:34 AM

great :p thanks for posting that.

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Posted 13 March 2008 - 08:38 AM



aint her carriage ewwwwwwwww..... sneaky how he just leaves more questions with this note ...

thanks for sharing Hetan...I am going to asume that SE doesnt call Malaclypse umm Malaclypse over the phone :p
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Posted 13 March 2008 - 09:15 AM

OK, since Steve saw fit to comment on things, I'll try to mollify the timeline-nerds among us ... Special thanks to Imperial Historian, vaiski and Morgoth who helped work this out. No doubt you will still find eggregious problems but meh, deal with it :p

you need to accept:

1) As Steve said, all printed dates are to be discarded entirely. My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I first read that but it's wonderfully liberating once you get used to the idea :p

2) Midnight Tides occurs well before the other books, which means that Trull hangs on that wall for a looong time, relative to the timeline of the mortal realm but of course time works differently in the Nascent. Also, Silchas and co. wander around for a few years.

3) The news of Pale's fall in HoC at Culvern Crossing must be propaganda, albeit shockingly prescient propaganda (not entirely out of the question considering the various forms of divination available to the Malazans). Karsa's trip to Genabackis takes about a year and then he spends a couple of years in Raraku before his appearance in DG. Essentially, to paraphrase SE, we've been compressing the events of the books into ridiculously small chunks of time due to the erroneous printed dates. All sea voyages, marches, etc. take a lot longer than our current notions of the timeline would allow.

4) Look for flexibility in the timeline to accomodate the order of events, rather than restricting conditions which make that order impossible :p

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Posted 13 March 2008 - 09:19 AM

Wahey!! He loves us really. I'm stoked he took the time to clear some of this up for us.

Not Duiker, that's deffo a surprise to me, very excited now!!

Think it's great that we are disregarding the printed dates, I've always found the timeline issues to be a bit anal and not worthy of discussion

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Posted 13 March 2008 - 09:49 AM

Mal, on pt.3 you mean Karsa's trip to 7Cities, right? :p

Thats cool, I only have troubles accepting Silchas&co. wandering for years. Should hardly take more than a few months to go from Letheras to the Bluerose, even in hiding. I think one of the inquisitors in RG made such a journey in weeks.

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Posted 13 March 2008 - 09:53 AM

Steven's touch with the timeline clearly shows his background as an archaeologist, relative dating rocks!!! Great reading!

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Posted 13 March 2008 - 09:56 AM

I'd like to thank Steve for his generous notion, it was very decent of him as a friendly gesture but at the same time beneficial, for both us and himself, in relation to clearing up small issues with the prologue. It was a nice gesture whichever way you look at it.

Now, I'm curious. Has Steve listened to much Rush? They happen to be my favourite band, inspired all around. I realise this is hardly the time for discussion but I'm curious especially because Rush are Canadian (which means they may have had more exposure in Canada in earlier years). Some great choices for example: Roger Waters, Floyd and Led Zeppelin. I have to admit that I'm not familiar with half of the bands.

I agree that the printed dates are a limited part of the story, inconsistency is part of real life and that in hindsight allows any author, who doesn't publish "the truth", to allow inconsistency to follow through to their work.

Xander will soon be stamping all of his posts with a pre-post and a post, then there will be the Xander three step post :p Three stages: 1) I've read your post and any braggings within, 2) I'm going to reply to your post and 3) Post. It's a genius system really :p

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Posted 13 March 2008 - 10:02 AM

Jorram;273523 said:

Mal, on pt.3 you mean Karsa's trip to 7Cities, right? :p

Thats cool, I only have troubles accepting Silchas&co. wandering for years. Should hardly take more than a few months to go from Letheras to the Bluerose, even in hiding. I think one of the inquisitors in RG made such a journey in weeks.

ha, yes, to both points *shrugs* :p

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Posted 13 March 2008 - 10:16 AM

Wow! A letter from the man himself!

Well, that's pages of speculation gone down the drain.

Even though it's not Duiker, i hope he's still in it. And that carriage is probably Dragnipur's carriage.... not that it matters, he said.

Let's read it again.

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Posted 13 March 2008 - 10:19 AM

*bows before Hetan and SE* Thank you!
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Posted 13 March 2008 - 10:36 AM intervention. This seems in-synch with the current feel of the novels. :p) Like the (Elder & contemporary) gods' increased direct involvment becomes more pronounced, so -as we begin our final approach- enters our own 'Maker of Paths'. :p

I actually find it much easier to accept the fact that the 2 ghosts are new and cameo characters. At first I thought that the priest may have been Heboric but the reference to the 'jade' colour of the distant storm reeked of red-herring! :p)
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#20 User is offline   Zanth13 

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Posted 13 March 2008 - 10:39 AM

Malaclypse;273504 said:

OK, since Steve saw fit to comment on things, I'll try to mollify the timeline-nerds among us ... Special thanks to Imperial Historian, vaiski and Morgoth who helped work this out. No doubt you will still find eggregious problems but meh, deal with it :p

you need to accept:

1) As Steve said, all printed dates are to be discarded entirely. My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I first read that but it's wonderfully liberating once you get used to the idea :p

2) Midnight Tides occurs well before the other books, which means that Trull hangs on that wall for a looong time, relative to the timeline of the mortal realm but of course time works differently in the Nascent. Also, Silchas and co. wander around for a few years.

3) The news of Pale's fall in HoC at Culvern Crossing must be propaganda, albeit shockingly prescient propaganda (not entirely out of the question considering the various forms of divination available to the Malazans). Karsa's trip to Genabackis takes about a year and then he spends a couple of years in Raraku before his appearance in DG. Essentially, to paraphrase SE, we've been compressing the events of the books into ridiculously small chunks of time due to the erroneous printed dates. All sea voyages, marches, etc. take a lot longer than our current notions of the timeline would allow.

4) Look for flexibility in the timeline to accomodate the order of events, rather than restricting conditions which make that order impossible :p

I for one welcome our time line erasing realistic overlords...

oh and xander now we know why you have so many post you spam bot you :p
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