Also halfway Against a dark background by Iain M. Banks (I'm getting addicted to his writing style and ideas) and The Last Light of the Sun by Kay.
The other recently acquired additions to the TRP are:
Excession, The State of the Art, Feersum Endjinn all by Banks,
Agent to the Stars by Scalzi
The Dervish House by Ian McDonald
Side Jobs, by Butcher
The Informers, by Brett Easton Ellis
In non-fiction:
The Whisperers, A People's Tragedy and Crimea by Orlando Figes
The Mystery of Olga Chekhova by Antony Beevor,
The Magic behind the Michelin Star by Paul van Craenenbroeck,
The World is Flat by Thomas L. Friedman,
The Fat Duck Cookbook by Heston Blumenthal (which is part cookbook, part foodtography and part biography).
This post has been edited by Tapper: 14 October 2011 - 12:47 PM