#562 Guest_Khelldarn_*
Posted 16 November 2004 - 04:05 PM
Dragonforce - Fury of the Storm
#564 Guest__*
Posted 14 October 2004 - 02:57 PM
Bad BAD! we should start a "make fun of whatever the hell thread" 't would be fun I think. at least until Mander or Brewd or *gasp* Admin closes it down
Children of Bodom "Mass Hypnosis"
Bad BAD! we should start a "make fun of whatever the hell thread" 't would be fun I think. at least until Mander or Brewd or *gasp* Admin closes it down
Children of Bodom "Mass Hypnosis"
Posted 29 January 2005 - 06:31 AM
Ah but none of their music suck. Just different levels of briliance..
I'd suggest the live album Radio Radio Tv Sleep, they've always been best live. Concert the 14th of April at Rockefeller in Oslo
I'd suggest the live album Radio Radio Tv Sleep, they've always been best live. Concert the 14th of April at Rockefeller in Oslo
Take good care to keep relations civil
It's decent in the first of gentlemen
To speak friendly, Even to the devil
It's decent in the first of gentlemen
To speak friendly, Even to the devil
Posted 03 January 2005 - 12:00 PM
Dream Theater - "Space Dye Vest"
And so the First denied their Mother,
in their fury, and so were cast out,
doomed children of Mother Dark.
in their fury, and so were cast out,
doomed children of Mother Dark.
#570 Guest__*
Posted 14 October 2004 - 02:10 PM
Children of Bodom "Children of Decadence"
#572 Guest__*
Posted 25 January 2005 - 10:37 AM
What if we hate nirvana?
Sabbath "Megalomania"
Sabbath "Megalomania"
Posted 23 October 2004 - 12:31 AM
Tristania - "Beyond the Veil"
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.
Posted 15 March 2005 - 11:43 AM
Dream Theater - Pull me under
Take good care to keep relations civil
It's decent in the first of gentlemen
To speak friendly, Even to the devil
It's decent in the first of gentlemen
To speak friendly, Even to the devil
#576 Guest_vartan_*
Posted 29 January 2005 - 02:36 PM
Judas Priest - The ripper
Bought a ticket for their show in Gothenburgh in march. Will be great to see Rob back with the boys again
Bought a ticket for their show in Gothenburgh in march. Will be great to see Rob back with the boys again
#579 Guest_Niko III_*
Posted 19 October 2004 - 10:55 PM
John Ashcroft - Let the Eagle Soar
(The 2:37 version)
(The 2:37 version)
Posted 25 January 2005 - 06:44 PM
Originally posted by Marduk:
Sabbath "The Wizard"
and what purpose does this thread serve? Did it ever serve a purpose? I mean the ****. its gone to the point no one even knows how many incarnations of this same lame ass title there have been.
The point is pretty evident. Post your music, maybe have some discussion, see what your fellow posters are listening to. If you don't like it, start a different thread or post something interesting in this one.
I'm listening to
The Tragically Hip - Cordelia
The Hip really are one of my favourite bands. I like the fact that they include many little references in their songs to Canadian culture and history. They're huge in Canada and have somehwat of a following in the US but have never really hit in huge in America.