Abyss, on 19 March 2017 - 05:48 AM, said:
STAKED, the latest in the Iron Druid series, is not a very good book.
In my opinion.
Actually, I'm finding it's kind of outright bad at times. Choppy unrelated storylines, unnecessary tangents, mundane events basically killing time.
Also, the narrator of the earbook should probably avoid being alone with Jews, Canadians, Poles, or dog-owners for the rest of his life. Possibly Indians too.
...all that aside tho,
...someone just punched a troll's cock off, so all is forgiven and I have to keep reading/listening.
Just finished STAKED.
It did not get better until the finale, which was fun. Hearne does a really good job intersecting various mythologies and it's neat to read about Norse gods manipulating Irish Fae while Roman gods interfere, or Kabbalah commando Rabbis fighting Rosicrucian mystic assassins. Unfortunately the story still meandered needlessly, the characters waver from interesting to irritating, and the narrator added Germans and anyone with a speech impediment to the list of people who will likely hate his guts. if you love the Iron Druid series, sure, go for it. Otherwise, meh.
JPK, on 20 March 2017 - 08:26 PM, said:
death rattle, on 20 March 2017 - 07:54 PM, said:
Already started
The Library at Mount Char.

One of us! One of us! Enjoy the crazy Worry!
Seriously. I think you'll enjoy this.
JPK, on 21 March 2017 - 02:52 AM, said:
...@Abyss - Yeah, I've seen the last two books have mixed reviews both on here and elsewhere. I will read them since I've invested too much time in this series at this point to let it go unfinished. I just know that I'm not going to go into it expecting it to wow me the way that the first trilogy and the last two books have.
I couldn't finish it. Some part of me wanted to but WATER SLEEPS was such a drag for me that i bailed.
I'd been saving Galactic North since I knew it's the last of the Redemption Space material that I hadn't read yet. I just wasn't really ready to be done with it until now. I've rarely read sci-fi that sucks me in like this does.
May be feeling like some serious sf... thinking i may use some audible credits to get the RevSpace trilo and start from the beginning. I can't quite decide if i want/need to reread REVELATION or just jump to REDEMPTION.
Alternatives are WARBEAKER to complete my Sanderson Cosmere reading, and KINGS OF THE WYLD because some people here pimped it good.
Have Buchanan's FIERCE GODS going in ebook, but slowly simply due to limited eyetime. So far so good tho'.
In dead tree just did a massive massive purge. Fully half my bookshelf and a significant chunk of the TRP i was just never going to read in that format are now in boxes awaiting their fate.
Buh-bye WoT, TDT, Harry Potter and other stacks of doorstopper hardbacks i was never ever going to reread in dead tree.
Buh-bye Horus Heresies, M.Y.T.H adventures, Weather Warden, Conn Iggulden's Conqueror, and various other partial sets of series i was never going to read, or acquired in ebook and will read in that format if i ever get around to it.
...I do feel a little conflicted about my stack of Gemmell mmpbs tho', even if i was never going to reread them in that format.