Baco Xtath, on 11 August 2015 - 10:26 PM, said:
Decided to actually read a book a couple days ago, went with Polish's suggestion and started Generation V. About 50% in and it's awesome. Fortitude and Suzume's interactions are hysterical. Thanks for another great recco.
Heh. I just started Dark Ascension, the latest (possibly last

) book in the series yesterday. I'll be kicking on with it now that I've finished NK Jemisin's latest, The Fifth Season.
The Fifth Season, by the way, the first in a new series, is fucking awesome. I'd say comfortably Jemisin's best work so far, combining the vivid imagination of the Hundred Kingdoms with the greater coherence of both character and world of the Dreamblood duology. Highly recommended to both fans and readers who are a bit unsure of her. But be warned, in places it's
really brutal, emotionally. I started Dark Ascension already purely because I just had to take a break after the opening of Fifth Season, and while I've occasionally had to take a few minutes pause to think in reading after harsh scenes from the likes of SE, Bakker and GRRM, I've never done
that before.
All in all though, it's Jemisin fulfilling her huge potential as an author.
This post has been edited by polishgenius: 12 August 2015 - 08:34 PM
I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you.