QuickTidal, on 24 January 2014 - 08:07 PM, said:
I detest those books with the fire of a thousand suns.

I know. It's one of your more outrageously wrong opinions.
But seriously I know they aren't for everybody, being pretentiousness defined and obscure as it's possible to be, but I think everyone should give them a go.
I bought both Vellum and Ink based on the praise I heard for the books here on the forum and the amazing plot setup described in the blurb.
Like Quick I did not like that first book at all. The premise of an endless world that lies beyond our own was very cool to read about but I was promised a war between Heaven and Hell were the celestial and demonic powers were using super-science and ancient magic to fight each other.
For me, it's somewhat like the Book of the New Sun. The first read is just about going along for the ride and enjoying the gorgeous prose, and it's the second time you read it with the benefit of the bigger picture that makes it great. I struggled with Vellum on my first time through, but on my second time, preparing for Ink, it became one of my all-time favourites.
I don't think it ever goes to the place the blurb makes out, really, but the magic/science stuff does take on greater presence as things go on.
I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you.