Reading at t'moment?
Posted 21 July 2009 - 11:06 PM
Just started "Annals of the Black Company" by Cook last night. Kind of weird getting used to the writing (first person and jumps around a lot), but i'm enjoying it so far.
I've always been crazy but its kept me from going insane.
Posted 22 July 2009 - 08:49 AM
'World War Z' by Max Brooks
'The Eyre affair' by Jasper Fforde
'Bang your head: The Rise and Fall of Heavy Metal' by David Konow
'World War Z' by Max Brooks
'The Eyre affair' by Jasper Fforde
'Bang your head: The Rise and Fall of Heavy Metal' by David Konow
'We all have nukes, and we all know how to dance'
Posted 22 July 2009 - 09:01 AM
I have to read The Eyre Affair for uni right now. Pretty good book.
@SB, you get used to it. It also gets less jarring and doesn't jump around as much. It also gets better. Especially the last book. So awesome
@SB, you get used to it. It also gets less jarring and doesn't jump around as much. It also gets better. Especially the last book. So awesome

This post has been edited by Mappo's Travelling Sack: 22 July 2009 - 09:02 AM
Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem.
Si hoc adfixum in obice legere potes, et liberaliter educatus et nimis propinquus ades.
Si hoc adfixum in obice legere potes, et liberaliter educatus et nimis propinquus ades.
Posted 22 July 2009 - 09:04 AM
Mappo's Travelling Sack, on Jul 22 2009, 09:01 AM, said:
I have to read The Eyre Affair for uni right now. Pretty good book.
@SB, you get used to it. It also gets less jarring and doesn't jump around as much. It also gets better. Especially the last book. So awesome
@SB, you get used to it. It also gets less jarring and doesn't jump around as much. It also gets better. Especially the last book. So awesome

Yup, pretty good. I like the alternate history and I wish we could have chosen those kind of books back when I was at Uni.
'We all have nukes, and we all know how to dance'
Posted 22 July 2009 - 09:12 AM
I'm liking the selection we have in this course I'm doing. Frankenstein, War of the Worlds, Dracula, The Eyre Affair, Notes from the Underground, Northanger Abbey, Shadow of the's great

This post has been edited by Mappo's Travelling Sack: 22 July 2009 - 09:13 AM
Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem.
Si hoc adfixum in obice legere potes, et liberaliter educatus et nimis propinquus ades.
Si hoc adfixum in obice legere potes, et liberaliter educatus et nimis propinquus ades.
Posted 22 July 2009 - 01:38 PM
fan-fiction....oh yes.
Things and stuffs...and other important objects.
Posted 22 July 2009 - 03:47 PM
Finished Jonathan Green's 'Evolution Expects', more 'James Bond Steam Punk' with the adventures of Ulysses Quicksilver! Ulysses' escapades are as fun as ever but Green didn't leave himself an awful lot of room, to do everything that he wanted the book to do, and this resulted in a book that felt very disjointed at times. My full review is over Here. I'm now well into Nathalie Mallet's 'The King's Daughters'...
Posted 23 July 2009 - 11:40 AM
Got some book vouchers for my birthday yesterday and picked up The Amulet of Samarkand by Jonathan Stroud (the first in the Barthimeus trilogy - yes it's a kid's series, but a good one by the looks of this) and The End of Mr Y by Scarlett Thomas (a short way in, very intriguing).
I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you.
Posted 23 July 2009 - 11:49 AM
I'm reading Dracula by Bram Stoker. Thank God. Real vampires.
Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem.
Si hoc adfixum in obice legere potes, et liberaliter educatus et nimis propinquus ades.
Si hoc adfixum in obice legere potes, et liberaliter educatus et nimis propinquus ades.
Posted 23 July 2009 - 03:41 PM
Finished reading 'The King's Daughters' (Nathalie Mallet), sequel to 'The Princes in the Golden Cage', where Prince Amir must solve the mystery of various kidnappings if he is to stand any chance of getting the King to agree to letting Amir marry his daughter. My description doesn't make it sound like much but an intriguing mystery, interspersed with plenty of action, made 'The King's Daughters' a very enjoyable read. It's just a shame that I found myself wanting to throttle Prince Amir after only a couple of chapters... My full review is over Here.
I'm now finishing off Mark Chadbourn's 'Lord of Silence'.
I'm now finishing off Mark Chadbourn's 'Lord of Silence'.
Posted 23 July 2009 - 04:11 PM
I found The End of Mr Y a bit of a disappointment in the end. Which is a pity, because it starts off very well.
If an opinion contrary to your own makes you angry, that is a sign that you are subconsciously aware of having no good reason for thinking as you do. If some one maintains that two and two are five, or that Iceland is on the equator, you feel pity rather than anger, unless you know so little of arithmetic or geography that his opinion shakes your own contrary conviction. … So whenever you find yourself getting angry about a difference of opinion, be on your guard; you will probably find, on examination, that your belief is going beyond what the evidence warrants. Bertrand Russell
Posted 23 July 2009 - 06:54 PM
Just finished Jim Butcher's Fool Moon.
If you are looking for fun and entertaining urban fantasy novels featuring a down-on-his-luck and endearing wizard, the Dresden Files are for you!
Check out the blog for the full review. . .
If you are looking for fun and entertaining urban fantasy novels featuring a down-on-his-luck and endearing wizard, the Dresden Files are for you!
Check out the blog for the full review. . .

For book reviews, author interviews, giveaways, related articles and news, and much more, check out
Posted 23 July 2009 - 07:24 PM
PS - Please don't read the Briar King Pat. The first one is ok then the series degrades. Coe's stuff is better, and I think you would do much better reading Consider Plebas then going from there in the Banks-verse.
Monster Hunter World Iceborne: It's like hunting monsters, but on crack, but the monsters are also on crack.
Posted 24 July 2009 - 01:00 AM
Going to give Richard Morgan's Altered Carbon a third and final try.
In a world gone mad, we will not spank the monkey, but the monkey will spank us.
Posted 25 July 2009 - 07:29 AM
Tell me, is Robert Jordan a good author, or is he reviled in the way of Goodkind and Eddings (R.I.P.)? I got Eye of the World and I want to know if it'll be good.
Reading Kate Elliott's King's Dragon. Pretty good-lots of multiculturalism.
Reading Kate Elliott's King's Dragon. Pretty good-lots of multiculturalism.

Suck it Errant!
"It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum...and I'm all out of gum."
QUOTE (KeithF @ Jun 30 2009, 09:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It has been proven beyond all reasonable doubt that the most powerful force on Wu is a bunch of messed-up Malazans with Moranth munitions.
Posted 25 July 2009 - 07:57 AM
Jordan is both good and bad. Not nearly as reviled as Goodkind though. A lot of his ideas are horribly cliche, like Rand's arc, he feels the need to describe every little action, the dialogue can be repetitive and the pace drags somewhat in a lot of places, but damn, in his prime he could write compelling characters and create a brilliant atmosphere, as well as write an interesting story. Worth a read, but don't expect to be blown away. It drags a lot, and even after his death it's still dragging.
This post has been edited by Mappo's Travelling Sack: 25 July 2009 - 07:58 AM
Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem.
Si hoc adfixum in obice legere potes, et liberaliter educatus et nimis propinquus ades.
Si hoc adfixum in obice legere potes, et liberaliter educatus et nimis propinquus ades.
Posted 25 July 2009 - 09:08 AM
Pilgrim, on Jul 16 2009, 07:45 AM, said:
I'm about halfway through Stephen R. Donaldson's The Gap into Conflict "The Real Story" and I'm quite frankly amazed. The only thing I've read by Donaldson prior to this was the Unbeliever first chronicles, and the writing style is so different here it literally seems like an entirely different author. It's a great story and so far a really quick read, a sci-fi mystery/thriller of sorts. Good snack-sized fun, as it's little more than a novella. Has anyone else read this series? What do you think?
Brilliant series, probably his best work, and this is coming from a total Covenant fanboy.
Error: Signature not valid
Posted 25 July 2009 - 10:09 AM
Ain't_It_Just_, on Jul 25 2009, 09:29 AM, said:
Tell me, is Robert Jordan a good author, or is he reviled in the way of Goodkind and Eddings (R.I.P.)? I got Eye of the World and I want to know if it'll be good.
Reading Kate Elliott's King's Dragon. Pretty good-lots of multiculturalism.
Reading Kate Elliott's King's Dragon. Pretty good-lots of multiculturalism.

Compared to modern fantasy, The Wheel of Time is horribly outdated.
It's all cliches, hundreds of pages of travelling on horse back, travelling on foot, travelling on a boat, bla bla bla. People ignoring the truth making every story line overly complicated, insecure characters who are made unrealistically ignorant and indecisive, round about solutions to things that could be easily solved in a direct fashion, etc.
Don't get me wrong, The Wheel of Time has it's brilliant areas. The concept of the Wheel of Time is interesting, the Trollocks and the Halfmen are quite awesome, Rand as the Dragon, if he wasn't such a pussy, is a cool cat, etc.
But it's all so longwinded and very little happens in every book.
There is a reason to why there is drawn comparisons between Goodkind and Jordan, the worlds and stories are much the same, and unfortunantly Jordan also has that flaw where he spends 7/8s of the book just puttering along and then within the last 1/8 he tries to wrap all the story up.
I don't know if the story gets better after the 4th book, but I gave up during the 4th one.
Posted 25 July 2009 - 09:58 PM
Well a lot of people on here where raving about so i brought it a while ago, and i have to admit, 250 pgs in and I'm still a bit unimpressed.
In a world gone mad, we will not spank the monkey, but the monkey will spank us.