Abyss, on 22 August 2019 - 02:53 PM, said:
QuickTidal, on 22 August 2019 - 01:08 PM, said:
Aptorian, on 22 August 2019 - 12:54 PM, said:
QuickTidal, on 22 August 2019 - 12:34 PM, said:
Now, I liked the first James Islington Licanius book (THE SHADOW OF WHAT WAS LOST) a lot. In fact, I liked it more than I'd ever expected to (I honestly had it pegged as a WoT clone, or similar and it's anything but). It had super compelling characters, a really interesting world with it's own crazy history, and was a pretty solid cracker of an opening volume for a trilogy.
I am nearing the halfway mark AN ECHO OF THINGS TO COME, and it's knocking me on my ass with brilliance. A LOT of the chapters of this book (through a certain POV character who I won't name; spoiler for Book 1) are focused on memories of world history and you'd think such seemingly info dump chapters would be boring, but my gods they are AMAZING and flesh out what's happening so well...but Islington knows enough to still keep a lot of the larger world machinations vague to make it all still so interesting (enough that I voraciously read as I walk down the goddamned street, risking injury for not looking where I'm going). I've already gone back and re-read the prologue to Book 1 again with new eyes, and it's so much richer. It's that kind of book series.
This series is going to end up on my top reads of all time list, I'm certain.
THE LIGHT OF ALL THAT FALLS can't come out soon enough!
Added them to my kindle library. I'll tell you what I think when I read them some time within the next decade.
Good stuff. Hope you digs it.
Will check it out when the trilo is complete.
I knew you would wait. I also know you'll dig it.