Studlock, on 05 December 2013 - 10:19 AM, said:
And Morgoth, way to set up a terrible argument. Reverse Racism =/= any of shit you're saying because guess what abuse of workers in North America and European society? Actually exists. Discrimination of women in the workplace? Actually exists. Actual racism against white people in the vast majority of the world? Not a fucking thing. But please tell me how fucking stupid I am again, I am sure that fixes you're argument right up. Typical white bullshit, I wasn't even insulting, I tired to approach it as politely as possible.
Your super elite internet qualifications not withstanding, perhaps you can explain to me why you agree with Morgoth when he is showing you why your viewpoint is stagnant and racist, because you only care about racism perpetuated towards you and yours, and don't even, apparently, believe that racism can exist outside of what happens to you.
But good last sentence, really shows up your entire viewpoint.
Edit: Can we have have a MOD maybe cut these posts out and move them into the Debate forum or something? Starting to feel guilty polluting this thread, but

This post has been edited by Possibly Brent Weeks: 05 December 2013 - 10:33 AM