QuickTidal, on 06 June 2023 - 12:08 PM, said:
I've known you a long time and I STILL can't tell if that's a good "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" or not....but I'm going to assume it's a "This book slogged me in the middle, but the ending kicked my ass in a good way."
You got it. She pulls off the finale beyond any expectation i had going in and a pile of reasons not to expect much despite solid buildup on some points. From the late night assassination attempt, through the swimming competition, the House assassination attempt, the other (other) assassination attempt, to the marathon, and up to the final sword fights, the pace of the story increases admirably (thank gods). This despite a whole lot of navel gazing and reiterations of personal angst we've already experienced (i can't decide whether Kiriel or Val were closer to Sanderson's Kaladin-level of personal whiny but it's close and Jewel is right there just behind them). Interestingly while just as angsty and conflicted, West writes Anton's extended inner waaaah in a way far less repetitious than the others'. Anton's inner conflict builds, it's going somewhere, and the 'twist' follows through. The others were predictable and go exactly where i expected them to - i would have liked to be a little more surprised, but i like what i got.
The actual action beats are great. Truly, Kal and Devon facing the demon and assassins; the swimming w Kal and Val and the excellent twist w Carlo; Jewel, Kiriel, Al and co when the House War takes a shot at the healer - as an aside, Al and Kiriel could carry a book by themselves, great chemistry there; Kal's 'brother' going after the Flight; the marathon and Merle throwing down w the demon; and the final sword matchs. These were great scenes. And West is not a writer who dwells on every sword swing and clever feint, she's very focused on the people not the punches and it works.
The problems... aside from the utterly overkill on various people's inner angst trips, the demons kind of suck as villains. Their entire capacity for diabolical master plans appears to be to hide til the person they want to kill is somewhere in the vicinity, then freak out too soon and fight someone else instead. Also, monologuing. Seriously... the water demon was underwater and he still stopped to have a little chat with Kal and work in an evil laugh or two. The last demon actually had the power to surround the circle in a shield and murder the hell out of Val and instead he wanders over to take out the judges first, for no reason i could draw from the story, THEN start bringing his shield in giving Aidan time to saunter over and stab his ass.
Also, by the second public, painfully obvious, massive bystander casualties demon attack, the fact that the games go ahead is just silly. Yes, yes, 'HONOUR!' whatever magical mass murderizing monsters are randomly popping up, let's put a few thousand victims and a bunch of high profile targets in an enclosed space, what could possibly go wrong? The kings will be over there having drinks if anyone needs them.
In striking (pun intended) contrast, the conflict between the Dominion and the Empire, and specifically Anton and his students with Val, was fascinating, and i'm loath to admit this, but it's engaging BECAUSE of how much time we spent in the Dominion in book 1. Carlo and Urlo's relationship and feelings about Val and the competition and Anton are HUGE because we know where they come from and why they feel that way. When Carlo jumps in the water ( i may have cheered), when Urlo swears to Val (i may have cheered and almost crashed my car), and pretty much EVERYTHING Anton does... these story beats hit, hell, they KICKED.
Val's budding friendship w Aneric was fun too. I was impressed by how well West developed Aneric as a character in such short little scenes and mentions. It's a huge contrast w most of the Ospreys (who are in my head 'redshirt 1 2 and 3 and the angry woman Duarte's involved with) and J's den (who loosely come down to Devon, two guys who can fight, two women and another guy who are just waiting for a good opportunity to die tragically).
Also, Aidan... i usually dislike token kid characters. West made Aidan EVERYTHING.
Also also the revelation Evayne is bopping along her own timeline was very nicely done and well handled in the story.
Also also also despite way (WAY) too much repetition i did enjoy Jewel as a character. In contrast, i don't think the whole 'Kiriel semi-loses her powers' did much for the story or the character. I liked her byplay w Jewel and the Ospreys, even so.
Finally, Anton's entire plotline was just brilliantly done.
pat5150, on 06 June 2023 - 01:42 PM, said:
Wait till you read
The Shining Court!

Yah, i'm still in. Going to read something else for a break, then i'll be back.I admit that i did increase the earbook play speed to 1.5, which helped quite a bit. No dis to the narrator, rather the pacing was just losing me and this helped move things along better.
Also stopped listening for short intervals. I found i had to keep repeating 5 or 10min listens, while longer (commute, 'chores', travel, exercise) listens were more enjoyable because i could actually sink in further.