First real post, but I wanted to share this project I've been on and off working on.
I am a digital sculptor with a few 3D printers, I also happen to be into miniature painting and wargames (rip that hobby because of the pandemic).
My favorite section of the world of Malazan has to be the K'chain Che'malle, so I decided to make some fan art!
Behold, my first couple K'chain Che'malle miniatures:

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This was my second attempt at a K'ell Hunter model. I did these while learning how to sculpt in blender, so they aren't optimal for a variety of reasons. I eventually want to come back to the K'ell with my newfound knowledge and re-do them.
Now these are my recent attempts at a J'an Sentinel, a lot more knowledge of the software and optimization under my belt. This is still a work in progress (I can post more as I go if people are interested), but the basic shape and broad details are lined out. All I need to do is do some polishing, rigging, posing, and printing!

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Eventually I want to sculpt all of the known varieties of K'chain Che'malle (and perhaps some of their short tail cousins...) for use as proxies in a variety of games, shelf decoration, and a miniatures game I've been working on casually for myself.
For some reason all of my photos of the printed miniatures themselves are way too large, I will make an update post with some pictures of how they came out printed once I figure that out.
Hope I formatted all of this correctly!! Let me know if I need to change or add spoiler tags! Enjoy!!