Galactic Council, on 31 May 2020 - 03:18 PM, said:
D, on 31 May 2020 - 04:18 AM, said:
Galactic Council, on 30 May 2020 - 06:01 PM, said:
Proposed updates:
Primary: Place the High Alert token in a system. Your units present with the token receive +1 to combat rolls, and your ships gain +1 movement. When moving, they may move the token with them.
Secondary: Spend 1 tokent from your strategy pool to move up to to two of your ships from unactivated systems into adjacent systems that contain no enemy ships. This does not activate the destination system(s). Cargo may be picked up during this movement.
Primary: Place the High Alert token in a system which contains your ships. Your ships in this system receive +1 to combat rolls and +1 movement. When a ship moves out of this system, the high alert token may move with that ship. Remove the high alert token at the start of the status phase.
Secondary: Spend 1 token from your strategy pool to move up to to two of your ships from unactivated systems into adjacent systems that contain no enemy ships. This does not activate the destination system(s). Infantry may be transported during this movement, but cannot land on planets.
Thanks Lady!!
Thoughts on additional strategies?
That is taking longer to think about... but so far:
Galactic Council, on 30 May 2020 - 06:11 PM, said:
Am looking at TI3 strategies, and other things, and thinking we could create an 11th strategy card as well, I think then our 9 player games will see a bit more variety... So what do folks think of following as card # 11:
Primary: Players taking a hostile action against you must exhaust or lose control of a planet. This ability is lost if you perform a hostile action.
Secondary: Spend 1 token from your strategy pool and 2 influence to claim an empty non-home system non-Mecatol Rex planet in or adjacent to a system containing friendly planets or units.
I don't like Armistice. The primary is copying/similar to some race's special abilities, and overall it's the same general idea as Diplomacy - make everyone else not want/able to attack you. Only it blanket applies everywhere so there's no opportunity for players to try and play around it, either. And the secondary is just the Xxcha ability, more or less, plus late-game I don't think the secondary will be ever used.
Imperial Historian, on 31 May 2020 - 01:45 AM, said:
I like the idea of another card whoch controls the objectives. Objectives wouldn't be drawn until this card is played.
Special if any TG are placed on this card, at the start of this action reveal one additional objective for each TG
Draw the top 2 cards from the objective deck, reveal one. You may choose to place the remaining card back on the top or bottom of the deck. You can immediately score the revealed objective
Secondary Spend 1 CT to score the last revealed objective.
I also like the idea of a strategy card which encourages combat
Primary You may immediately activate a system as normal. If you win a combat in the activated system you may immediately gain TG equal to the value of the destroyed units to a maximum value of 5 TG
Spend a strategic token. If you have not passed you may immediately activate a system. If you win a combat in the activated system you may immediately gain TG equal to the value of the destroyed units to a maximum value of 3 TG
Controlling the objectives is interesting, I suppose, but getting to choose which objective will appear out of a small number doesn't seem like much to gain for the price of not doing any other strategy card. I think this would immediately become the least-desired stratey card and feel like you get "stuck" with it. Secondary is just a weaker version of the Imperial primary, and for most of the game it's not that hard to take the Imperial card if you want to.
Raiding feels like it will make timing very messy. You get a free tactical action between the strategy and action phase? Kinda stepping on the Naalu go first ability, and how do end-of-strategy-phase/start-of-action-phase effects fit into it. Then for the secondary, imagine every player using the secondary - with how we resolve secondaries at the start of a player's turn it basically becomes an action phase round where everyone temporarily has fleet logistics. Just feels kinda weird to me.
Not that I necessarily have any better suggestions.
One train of thought I've been having is that in TI3 there was a Production strategy card, which let you build units in a system without activating it/even if it was already activated. The primary gave you a few bonus resources when doing so, while the secondary cost a strategy token and limited you to 3 units.
In TI4 they sort of shifted the secondary effect to Warfare (what we call Logistics) and dropped the primary, while giving
Warfare/Logistics primary the "remove a CT" effect. But I don't really like the pairing of "remove a CT" with "build in homeworld". Sure, removing a CT lets you build twice in a system or build and move out of it, but it can (and is) used a lot of other ways that make the secondary effect feel like a completely different ability, rather than the usual "weaker version of primary" feel of secondaries. Plus you can get into annoying situations where you're using
Warfare/Logistics to pull a CT off the board in order to attack someone, but doing so takes a whole turn and lets the person you're about to attack build defenses in the meantime.
Our Warfare kinda has that, too - you spend your turn just putting down the high alert token as prep, but this also lets someone move a ship into your path to block the thing you want to do with it.
Putting this altogether, I guess I'd be proposing something like this:
Primary: Place the High Alert token in a system which contains your ships. Your ships in this system receive +1 to combat rolls and +1 movement. When a ship moves out of this system, the high alert token may move with that ship. Remove the high alert token at the start of the status phase.
(there is no secondary)
Primary ability: Choose a system {it does not have to be unactivated}. You may immediately use the PRODUCTION ability of each of your units in that system, receiving 2 additional resources to spend. {this does not activate the system}
Secondary ability: Spend 1 token from your strategy pool to use the PRODUCTION ability of 1 of your space docks in your home system.
LOGISTICS STRATEGY CARD (9) (imperial moved to 10 or 11)
Primary ability: Remove 1 of your command tokens from the game board; then, gain 1 command token.
Secondary: Spend 1 token from your strategy pool to move up to to two of your ships from unactivated systems into adjacent systems that contain no enemy ships. This does not activate the destination system(s). Infantry may be transported during this movement, but cannot land on planets.