twelve, on 15 May 2020 - 04:53 PM, said:
Imperial Historian, on 14 May 2020 - 11:23 AM, said:
I don't think that has happened here, people have tried to stop others winning to try and gain more points in order to give themselves a chance to win/maximise points. I think everyone has been acting in there own self interest to try and maxmise there points.
A key part of this game is managing other players, anyone who looks like they are going to win immediately becomes a target, that isn't kingmaking that's an inbuilt gamebalancing mechanism. Any victories I've had have either come from a surprising path to victory that no-one expected, or by winning despite everyone on the board throwing everything they could at me. I'm not denying I contributed in directing attention away from me to you and d'rek though! Chaos is a ladder after all
I think you played well Toaster, and it's a shame you aren't playing again, you were very close to winning.
All that said I don't object to kingmaking, it's a viable tool in the diplomatic arsenal, for example some player I know if I screwed them over would go out of there way to make sure I didn't win, and is probably one of the better mechanisms to help keep players honest.
Given my past form though I'm surprised that more people didn't try and apply direct pressure to me to reduce my scoring options, I think D'rek and Twelve both guessed I had spark, but nothing really came of it.
Frankly I didnt figure you had spark until midway through the last round and I didnt care. My shot was as you all correctly guessed was the wormhole secret. My realistic chance at winning was blown up many times this game. First when D'rek prevented me scoring control the region and I was forced to score the pds secret. Then again when D'rek blew up my fleet with a miracle rolls of the die and then finally when Nom pds my cruiser to micro dust. Losing Rex earlier in the game was probably a blessing in disguise but I definitely felt behind the 8 ball most of the game.
You did have it after all despite all those protestations you didn't!
I am shocked, shocked I tell you.
Thanks Nom.