Wild ride but I am definitely left wanting more and wanting some answers which I guess are covered in all of the other books? I think I expected a lot more "Aha" moments that just never came, but I'm hoping a read with the Esslemont books will clear up a lot.
My main questions at this point would be:
- In general what's the deal with the Seguleh?
- Who is Icarium's mother?
- Who is Ruthan Gudd really?
- Where the hell is Karsa after leaving Darujhistan and after doing that thing in the temple in tCG
- Where is Draconus?
- What was the deal with the Shake/Liosan? Most badass battle and then we hear nothing more from them or the aftermath. What was the actual reason for all of that? I'm a bit confused still on the Dark/Light thing.
- The Azath/Azathai never really get explained. Where is that Azath builder that Nimander meets with at one point?
- What was on that piece of paper Duiker had?
- What happened to that Liosan from the Whirlwind who seemed to be a "good guy"?
And a million other things that I'm kind of forgetting, but I guess that's just at the top of my mind. If any of this is covered in books outside of the main 10, then just RAFO me
Also, is there a re-read that I can go through while preparing for the ICE books? I don't really want to re-read everything again but would love some very-detailed summaries that DO NOT include ICE spoilers so I can just read the book once I finish the re-reads that bring me there (for example, I'd love to do an in-depth re-read of GoTM - MT and then read NoK). Does Tor include ICE spoilers or no?
My brain is frazzled....
This post has been edited by EverythingIsOchre: 29 June 2018 - 09:44 PM