So I've just started listening to GotM on Audible. I'm enjoying it and it makes my drive to work considerably more bearable. HOWEVER, the bloke reading pronounces nothing the way I've read it in my three or four readings of the original book. Why can't everyone just accept my way is right and pronounce everything as I do!
First and most annoying example so far, Kruppe. I've for some reason always read this in my head as "Kroop" similar to our good friend Groot. I can see looking at it this is clearly wrong but the audiobook fool insists on pronouncing it "Kru-ppa" does my wee nut in.
Anyone else experienced any audiobook annoyance?
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Pronunciation Annoying way audiobooks twist your imagined world
Posted 11 May 2018 - 02:50 PM
I always read it as 'Krup" myself. But you know what they say, 'what ever floats your different boats for different strokes'.
In the language of flowers corn stands for trust.
Posted 11 May 2018 - 03:17 PM
Well, I used to say Mà-lazan instead of Ma-là-zan for ages until I heard an interview with SE. I would imagine the audiobook readers would've checked the "correct" pronunciation (in as far as you can talk of correct pronunciation with made-up words) with the author. So see it as a learning curve.
Yesterday, upon the stair, I saw a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today. Oh, how I wish he'd go away.
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