1. So what was the Errants end game here? Had trouble following near the end. I know he wanted his old power back but why did he trap Mael?
2. Beak. In one scene he is talking about his candles and says that Omotose doesn’t have a flame..why not? Tellann had one and so did every other warren it seemed.
3. Icarium. The only thing I can put together about what happened was he did something similar to what K’rul did. I know that krul blood is what the warrens branch from but I can’t seem to put the pieces together here.
4. When Balm and Mason Gilani we’re charging the gate why did Balm not know who Fist Keneb was?? It was like he went retarded from staring at Masan Gilanis ass. That whole section confused me
5. Why was Brys Beddict called Saviour of the Empty Throne? Is that referring to the Empty Hold? If it’s a metaphor that’s cool but what is the Empty Hold then? (Never mind found the thread on this topic)
This post has been edited by TheHoundsCall: 28 December 2017 - 07:12 AM