- 2826 pages (5756 if you include re-directs, talk pages etc)
- ArchieVist is doing a massive Assail info dump and has added dozens of new character pages from ICE's novel
- Johntocaelpiano is posting the most comprehensive summaries of Memories of Ice and is up to chapter 21
- The MBotF poll on the home page has 330 votes and the new ICE novels poll has 16 votes to date
- We have started on a new project of adding extended Dramatis Personae listings so at some point soon you'll be able to find out exactly who is making an appearance in which book. Here is Gardens of the Moon: http://malazan.wikia...amatis_Personae
- 238 Fan art images uploaded to date!!! Check out the full gallery http://malazan.wikia...ategory:Fan_art or browse by artist http://malazan.wikia...n_art_by_artist
- Aimzzz has set up the Image of the Week so that you can vote and nominate without having to register on either the Wiki or the Forum, although we obviously would love to know you by name. http://malazan.wikia...f_the_Week_Poll
- Thanks to Andorion's hard work, the gallery is now available for spoiler free browsing. Check out: http://malazan.wikia...rt_spoiler_free
- For the Advent Calendar Project we have ten artists confirmed as well as a couple of maybe participants - if you know anyone who may not have heard about this and would like to take part, please get them to take a look at the project. http://forum.malazan...-calendar-2015/
Number crunching:
*According to the statistics, we have had 71900 views over the last week
*The longest page on the Wiki is that of Gardens of the Moon
*The longest character page currently is Ganoes Paran
*The pages with the most categories are Quick Ben, Deadsmell and Toc the Younger
And last but not least....
If you have a spare moment here or there... we can always use more editors on the Wiki

We also need more eyes... people who just check over what is already there and look out for anything from spelling mistakes, broken links to plain wrong facts. You don't even need to do anything about it yourself. Just let us know in this thread on the Wiki board and we'll do the rest!
If you fancy being part of it, come and have a go!