Sorry to bother, I don't even know if I'm breaking any forum section rules (and if I do, please don't ban me), and if this isn't the right section of the forums, please move the thread... anyways here goes:
I am an amateur writer, been writing detective and noir short stories in my native language until a couple of years ago, but right now I've been shifting interests to Fantasy. Erikson and a couple other fellows are to be blamed for this. What I want to ask you is this:
first of all: is there anyone curious and with enough spare time to read a short text? I'd like to know if what I sketched so far is worth anything, in terms of style and flow. The links are at the bottom of the thread.
second: is there a digital artist around who would like to try its hand in drawing an unknown writer's sequences? I wouldn't even call them stories yet, but to be honest, if someone gave me a drawing or a piece of digital art I liked, I would love to write something around it. It's good practice. So in short, I am asking if someone would draw something for me, IF and only IF they have a feel for my stories. That means you should at least try and read them

Not worth saying I'd do the same if one of you asked me to wrap a story around a character they drew and couldn't find a tale for him/her.
One last thing: my influences gravitate around and through pulp novels, film noir, western spaghetti, Akira Kurosawa and Epic/Dark Fantasy novels.
Thanks in advance for your patience to read this far, and if you do want to ask me more questions, please shoot.
Here are the links!
Opening in Nihur
Mad King
Yours, Max.