Andorion, on 21 March 2015 - 01:54 AM, said:
I made these points for Way of Kings because it felt to me like he was making this his magnum opus - the greatest sundae he would ever make with fuckin' Michael Whelan shitty-yet-beloved cover cherries on top - and it was this limited thing that feared to go to uncomfortable places for the reader and/or the writer because they didn't agree with his religion's ideas of sex, love, society and people.
One's lifelong labor of several million words should not be a legacy in which one steered away from disquieting things.
To quote Donaldson talking about fantasy itself:
I made the resolution to abandon Sanderson after Way of Kings and stuck to that - until I read his Dangerous Women short story. That was effin' brilliant. It went dark places, it went happy places, it went into what it meant for those people to be those people, fully, wholeheartedly and with style. It had more meaning than Way of Kings entire. I do not know if Words of Radiance went to similar places and depths; I hope it did. Maybe I will come back to him after exploring those authors more agreeable to my tastes.
This post has been edited by amphibian: 21 March 2015 - 03:19 AM