Whisperzzzzzzz, on 07 March 2018 - 10:11 PM, said:
Does anyone know what the anti-gravity pikes the Royal Guard were using are called? I've never seen or read about anything like that. Seems formidable.
They seem to operate off the same principle as the ray shield prisons and the "anklets" that Dooku held Obi-Wan with in ATOC. Just on the end of staffs. Don't think we've ever seen their like, but it seems like he modelled his Guard after the old Jedi Guards, and they had lightsaber pikes, so this would be a version of that.
Whisperzzzzzzz, on 07 March 2018 - 10:11 PM, said:
EDIT: Next series — Ahsoka & Sabine hunting for Ezra? PLEASE YES.
Yes! I wants it. There have been rumblings about Filoni getting a live action movie...and I wonder if they might be looking at telling that story in live action?
Anyways, I finally watched the final two eps in one go yesterday.
I have nothing praise and admiration for Filoni and his whole team. That was one of the best TV finale's I've ever watched, and may be the best ending to a
Star Wars ANYTHING I've ever seen. It was pitch perfect in every single way. I adored that it ended on the same crescendo of music that the movies end on.
I mean, what's more to ask for? Ezra alive and has taken Thrawn Via hyperspace beast, presumably into the Unknown Regions, Sabine and Ahsoka are setting out to find him. Everyone survived past Endor and Jakku...and we have the son of an Old Republic Jedi and one of the best pilots in the Rebellion, who is also the bloodline of of a Clone
Wars General in Jacen Syndulla. Simply amazing. In fact, Jacen was what I wanted from Rey. Someone who had a past, a family lineage that stretched back and connected, but didn't prevent them from being their own person. I think it's interesting that REBELS can introduce a character and automatically make me care about him simply by dint of his lineage....and the ST writers refuse to do that. I care about Jacen Syndulla and want to know about his life....becuase of how much I cared about his parents (Kanan and Hera)...I have no such attachment to Rey NoName. Just interesting to note that for me.
Anyways, this series I'll buy the complete BluRay set for, and it will have a place of honour on my shelf....and I will be so excited to one day show it all too my daughter when she's old enough for
Star Wars.
"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora
"Someone will always try to sell you despair, just so they don't feel alone." ~Ursula Vernon