Silencer, on 07 February 2014 - 06:03 AM, said:
A lot of that depends on what the Wiki's focus is meant to be. Is an encyclopedia of events, only for those up-to-date with the latest of the latest book? Is it only for those so dedicated, that they are 100% up to date with both SE and ICE and the novellas, etc? Or is it for anyone, for those who want more information, or some explanations, or some form of quote-fu for their Facebook status? Or is it something in the middle?
In the spoiler topic Silencer raised a very good point. A point which I have never considered. What should the wiki be, or do, or provide? What is the end goal in other words.
So I put it those who are interested what do you think?
But first, my own position:
In a nutshell I am trying to create something very similar in style to Wookieepedia, the Star Wars wiki. I have spent a lot of time browsing numerous wikis over the years and I have been thoroughly impressed by the robustness of its design while maintaining a simple layout. So when it came to working on the Malazan wiki this was what I was instinctively trying to recreate.
Wookieepedia is an encyclopedia of everything notable to do with Star Wars. Their editors' approach is to write articles as if they were writing encyclopedia entries. Within the main body text of an article the Star Wars universe that is being written about is assumed to be real. I find this creates very readable articles and a consistent way of getting to information.