D, on 15 July 2013 - 07:46 PM, said:
Jean-Claude Van tiam, on 12 July 2013 - 06:49 PM, said:
nacht, on 11 July 2013 - 05:34 PM, said:
And it seems Gall was third was quite a long time before he was recently disposed by Enoc
She laughed, and, ducking her head, lifted her mask to take a pinched morsel of rice and meats.
'He will. And with gratitude to be back on his old rung again.' 'Gratitude? I did not act as I did for his benefit.'
She bowed, all formal, but her voice held humour: 'Gratitude for reminding everyone why he has remained Third for so long.'
All of this does imply that Jan has been 2nd for a while but I doubt that is only a short time between the end of MOI and the start of OST. A lot of events happened between the end of MOI and the emergence of the tyrant.
At the end of MOI were told Moons Spawn would crash into the sea in a few months. Almost the first line of the first chapter of OST states that moons Spawn crashed into the sea 2 years before the events of OST. SO weve got say 3 years at most. Yet this doesnt fit. If its a year between challenges then how can Jan have lost count of the countless Thirds especially if you add Gall into the mix as the longstanding Third, which again makes no sense with Mok being Third merely 2 years ago.
The simple fact is it doesnt fit but ICE needed Jan to be a long standing Second. I think the Second we see in TBH was initially meant to be the missing Second but things simply didnt pan out that way from MOI. Its easy to see why things fell the the way they did.
I cant beleieve I had to look that up and you swines wouldnt take me on my half remembered recollection of a book I havnt read in 2 years. For shame

Theres also a bit in the viewpoint of Silanah/Spinnock Durav in TTH that puts TTH around a year after MOI. Im sure Nacht on his electronic copy of the books can find it easier than old tiam can.
The supposed rule that the Second can only be challenged once a year is entirely made up by us, though. There could be plenty of other reasons for the "has it been a year already" comment that do not require Jan, Gall or Enoc to have been in their positions for any particular amount of time.
For me, the biggest point of interest is that when Enoc was defeated he was seemingly super-demoted while obviously much earlier Gall was defeated and was simply moved down to 4th, and could re-take his spot as 3rd after Enoc was defeated. Perhaps that is a trend, and when you duel for the Second and lose you are cast out of the Agatii or some other major penalty, but in any other position you just move positions up and down. If that were the case, the timeline could be something like this:
02/131BS - The current Seguleh First, who wears The White First Mask, leads the Seguleh into exile from Darujhistan. Once upon the island, he throws away his mask and begins The Wooden mask tradition.
05/730BS - Rake duels a whole bunch on the Seguleh Island. As he is leaving, he steals The White First Mask.
01/1162BS - 1st=vacant, 2nd=Bob, 3rd=Jim, 4th=Amy, 5th=Mok, 6th=Allison, 7th=Rake, 8th=Jan
The Seguleh temple or whatever offers Bob The Wooden 1st and he takes it
01/1164BS - 1st=Bob, 2nd=Jim, 3rd=Mok, 4th=Amy, 5th=Jan, 6th=Thomas, 7th=Rake, 8th=Gall
Bob sends Mok, Thurule and Senu to punish the Pannion Domin
Mok and Senu return as broken men, lose their positions
09/1164BS - 1st=Bob, 2nd=Jim, 3rd=Jan, 4th=Allison, 5th=Amy, 6th=Gall, 7th=Rake, 8th=Thomas
Jan challenges and defeats Jim
10/1164BS - 1st=Bob, 2nd=Jan, 3rd=Allison, 4th=Amy, 5th=Gall, 6th=Thomas, 7th=Rake, 8th=Garrett
Jan is challenged by Allison, Jan wins
Jan is challenged by Amy, Jan wins
01/1165BS - 1st=Bob, 2nd=Jan, 3rd=Gall, 4th=Thomas, 5th=Garrett, 6th=Leia, 7th=Rake, 8th=Tony
Thomas defeats Gall, then challenges Jan. Jan wins. Gall reclaims the 3rd.
03/1165BS - 1st=Bob, 2nd=Jan, 3rd=Gall, 4th=Garrett, 5th=Leia, 6th=Tony, 7th=Rake, 8th=Jerome
Garrett defeats Gall, then challenges Jan. Jan wins. Gall reclaims the 3rd.
04/1165BS - 1st=Bob, 2nd=Jan, 3rd=Gall, 4th=Leia, 5th=Tony, 6th=Jerome, 7th=Rake, 8th=Lisa
Leia challenges Jan directly. Jan wins.
Tony defeats Gall, then challenges Jan. Jan wins. Gall reclaims the 3rd.
Jerome defeats Gall, then challenges Jan. Jan wins. Gall reclaims the 3rd.
etc etc...
06/1165BS - 1st=Bob, 2nd=Jan, 3rd=Gall, 4th=Lisa, 5th=Fred, 6th=Broomhilda, 7th=Rake, 8th=Bahamut
Bob The Wooden First dies or something. Jan is not offered the First.
07/1165BS - 1st=[vacant], 2nd=Jan, 3rd=Gall, 4th=Lisa, 5th=Fred, 6th=Broomhilda, 7th=Rake, 8th=Bahamut
09/1166BS - Enoc, currently the 100th, proclaims he will rise to the top in only a year, a feat no one has attempted since Rell almost accomplished it in 1163BS
09/1167BS - 1st=[vacant], 2nd=Jan, 3rd=Enoc, 4th=Gall, 5th=??, 6th=??, 7th=Rake, 8th=Palla??
Enoc challenges Jan. Jan wins.
10/1167BS - 1st=[vacant], 2nd=Jan, 3rd=Gall, 4th=Gall, 5th=??, 6th=Palla??, 7th=Rake, 8th=??
Jan leads the Seguleh to Darujhistan, Oru finds The White Mask, stuff happens in Darujhistan, Jan dies and Dassem Swordtor becomes the new White-Mask First
Here just to answer the one question that bugs you. Jan made such a cut on Enoc that he was unable to fight afterwards
And yes i guess Jan has been rising in the ranks and that Mok was ahead of him during MOI, but i doubt that he was under the rank of 7th, i don't even know how can they overcome that rank, since they haven't sought out Rake for a challenge.