The longer version? Well.
For the good, I'd have to say that ICE is simply fabulous at introducing new cultures and continents, just as he did for Korel in Stonwielder. Jacuruku, and especially Himatan and the Thaumaturgs are excellently presented as concepts. The "living" jungle, the last outback, the last hinterlands... The entire plot with the Thaumaturg army was, imo, brilliantly done to present it. As far as Thaumaturgs go, that different kind of magic and focus than warrens or holds, masters of the body and the mind, along with all the evil going on in their lands as well, it felt just right for what I was expecting after their brief cameo in RotCG.
There's also quite some screentime for my namesake, so it can't be bad

As for the bad... well. Yet another book goes by and I still Skinner totally sucks, he seems so simple and straightforward, and there's no qualities I could spot that could give him the following he got. He blunders on and on and wins through mostly thanks to Ardata's Gift. Skinner is a humongous letdown.
I also completely hated the bits with Osserc, despite them involving Gothos. I thought they were simply poorly written, very poorly, way too vague and thus losing any sort of essence. I didn't much like the whole thing with a light cult either. Seems that both Skinner and Osserc are ICE's characters, and he keeps stumbling with them, despite doing pretty well with many others. It also seems to ring true for T'riss, I simply don't care about her as a character at all, and she was way more interesting in Forge of Darkness with a brief visit than with a whole storyline here. Ah well.
Another thing I'd mention is that it seems ICE seems to need some time to find his "writing legs" (as in sea legs etc) after starting each new book. His writing seems to have slumped after Stonewielder. To be quite honest, he reminds me a lot of Tolkien - he's great at presenting (and probably also building) a world/setting, but characters and dialogue leave a lot to be desired.
Also, if I ever see the word cyclopean again I'll retch.