Imperial Historian, on 23 January 2013 - 12:33 PM, said:
I hadn't really thought the whole alliance prospect through other than I didn't want to fight you, but if you took that tier 1 tile off me, we would probably have to, as I'd lose access to the best tile prospect I have available, and you would be right in the middle of my tiles with a nice big fleet and nowhere to go. As to why you would ally with me, well you'd get secure borders for another turn, time to get advanced mining (and neutron bombs when they inevitably come up), and i get the time I need to explore for more discovery tiles.
I'm completely open on the prospect of a third member of the alliance or just going as a two (2 three people alliances would inevitably lead to one person being out in the cold). Hell twelve could join us if he wanted to, could make things very interesting.
EDIT: Note sure how much I will be around the rest of the day, so to make things move more quickly:
Provisional orders: If there is an alliance between D'rek and me, explore NE from homeworld and claim it
If there is not an alliance, move interceptor to fight ancient and pray .
Sheesh, this is such an overreaction. You already have a tier 1 hex, not getting one you already have is not some sort of set-back. And discoveries seem to be the important thing to you, and you can eaasily gobble them up by just exploring outward because over half the tier 3 hexes have them, whereas my chances of getting a brown planet in one explore are really bad.
And then "join my alliance or die"? Why would I ever want to join an alliance where my ally will be someone with that attitude? I'd be paralyzed for the rest of the game with the need to be ready for your betrayal when some other random little thing sets you off and you betray me.
So here's my counter. It's not a counter-offer, just a statement. If you fly your interceptor into Castor, I will agree to twelve's alliance offer and let him fly his dreadnaughts through the warp portal to attack your homeworld (and my cruisers will come along for the fun, too). If you don't, I won't, and we can all keep on pleasantly growing our economics and fighting Ancients without the need for everyone to suddenly scramble into alliances and probably make the game a 3v3v1 from here on.