I'm starting to think going broke to buy the quantum grid tech was one of the best decisions I've made all game. Even though it cost me damn near all my materials and hindered ship production this turn, having 2 extra moves this turn, and for turns going forward is going to prove a solid asset.
When we start next game have a solid think about what your race's strengths are and exploit them. My thought process this round went like: "I can build a lot with cheap ships, and upgrade quickly, plus I have shitty material production due to crappy hex draws, therefore it will be a serious challenge to amass a fleet of heavy-hitter ships. I had better invest in cheaper interceptors/cruisers and try to win battles with sheer numbers". The alliance worked out well for me too, since Twelve was able to start rampaging without worrying about a fleet of long-range interceptors sitting on his southern border. I also kinda picked who my enemy was going to be pretty early on so that I could arrange hexes to my advantage for defense.
Races like terrans can build starbases right away and have a lot of mobility, so they're much more geared for combat all the way through. Other races are better at turtling. Your best bet probably would have been to keep tight borders, build unbelievably high tech ships while amassing research VPs, and then come out with cannons blazing in the last few rounds to top yourself up for a win.
EDIT @ Tattersail
It remains to be seen if all that thought process will pay off of course. Shit could hit the fan pretty hard next phase.
This post has been edited by cerveza_fiesta: 20 February 2013 - 12:21 PM