D, on 11 February 2013 - 06:06 PM, said:
@Khell - The Jump Drive gives you one move per activation that can be from any hex to any adjacent hex, even if there is only half a wormhole or NO WORMHOLE AT ALL.
When you do a move action, you get 2 arrows (activations) and you put each arrow to a single ship (or both to the same ship). Each ship that gets activated can make as many "hops" (a move from one hex to an adjacent hex) as it has hexagon symbols on its blueprints. So, ie, CF's interceptors have 4 hexagon symbols, each time one gets activated it can make 4 hops. A ship with two fusion drives would also have 4 hexagon symbols and could make 2 hops.
A ship that has a fusion drive and a jump drive in its blueprints has two hexagon symbols from the fusion drive and another from the jump drive, so it can make 3 hops per activation. Two of those hops have to be through a wormhole (or through a half-wormhole if you have wormhole generators) but the third hop does not have to be through a wormhole. (The 3 hops can be in any order).
Alternatively, the jump drive can be the only drive on a ship, in which case that ship would get 1 hop from its current hex to any adjacent hex per activation.
Make sense?
After a little brain-work on my part, yes, thank you very much!
So, very useful if I was of the aggressive-minded, pro-active sort. Which I'm currently not. But everybody was getting so excited about it it would seem a mistake to just throw it away. I would imagine it would be best to either put it on the interceptors, build a huge fleet of them and have them all jump around, or place it on the dreadnaughts for some scary ships jumping your way (plus at the moment I can't see me putting the jump drive on the interceptors anywhere but over the nuclear drive, so still just one hop, whereas I could increase hops on the dreadnaught at the expense of a hull).
Hmmm, anyone care to give some objective, unbiased advice?