Rules (mk. 2.3):
- The individual must take the first legal move posted subsequent to his last post as the collective's move.
- Members of the collective may not move twice in a row. There must be 2 moves by other collective members in between a member's moves.
- The victorious collective may choose a representative to go up against the individual in the next round. The victorious individual continues as individual in the next round or may pass it off to the collective.
- All normal rules of chess apply, including "castling" and "promotion" (see below).
- Post moves according to the battleship-style grid shown on the border of the board. ie "Pawn at B2 to B3". Standardized chess notation is fine too.
- Collective moves should be posted as an unambiguous command. Placing moves in bold is a good way to indicate this, though it is not strictly necessary.
- 3 consecutive votes are required for resignation, each by a participating member of the collective. "participating" means that the member has played at least one move in the game being resigned. The individual may, of course, resign at any time.
Promotion: Get a pawn to the far side of the board and you may swap it for another more useful piece: Queen, rook, knight or bishop, even if you already have the starting amount of those in play (ie you could have 9 queens theoretically)
Castling: King moves two squares towards the rook on either side, and the rook is placed in the square the king moved over. Castling can only take place if:
1. All the squares involved are unoccupied
2. The king is not in check (i.e. You cannot castle out of check)
3. None of the squares moved over or into is being attacked (i.e. you cannot castle through or into check)
4. Neither king nor rook has been moved previously, even if they've returned to their starting square. i.e. Castling must be the first move of both king and the rook concerned, if it is to be done at all.
EDIT 2011-08-12 - rules updated RE command vs. question.
EDIT 2011-08-16 - rules updated and clarified after game 1
EDIT 2011-10-17 - update RE resignation procedure
I want to start a new game. I can take the first move for the collective (since I lost as individual last time). Since there were no takers I can post pics of the game. Not ideal cause then you're waiting on me and the individual to move, but it will suffice for now.
Collective's first move
Pawn C2 to C4
1.png (69.85K)
Number of downloads: 1
This post has been edited by cerveza_fiesta: 17 October 2011 - 03:40 PM